Chapter 5

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"You Indians are good at nothing."

"You come from a land of snakes."

"You are all so dirty!"

Her fellow classmates would always mess with her. Infact they would talk
crap about her Parents too!

She never wanted her parents to pick her up because she would never wanna hear crap about her parents.

That school was a prison for her. She wanted to get the hell out of there!
But suddenly she started thinking about why she was getting so offended when they were insulting her country, nationality and religion.
She didnt have any problem with the religion but what about the country and nationality? Why couldn't she hear anything bad about her nationality?
She was not so proud of her nationality anyway!

As days passed by, she realized that she loves her country.
Her country, where she was born, where her family resided and where no one would ever mistreat her because of her identity!
For the first time,she felt proud of her nationality.
That was her identity, her destination and her foundation!
The culture she didnt like was now very exhilarating for her.
If all the Americans were proud of their identity and all the Australians were proud of their identity, why wasn't she?

She now realised if something happened to all the Indians in other countries including her, her country would be the first one to save her!
She now thought of all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives just to protect their country and she was now ashamed of herself for hating her own country.

But things changed, she stopped hating her fellow classmates. For her, this was a lesson. It was written in her destiny so it was bound to happen. She knew everything happens for a reason and now she had finally known what the reason was!

She finally decided to confront her dad and tell him everything that she was facing. He decided to talk to the teachers about this issue however he was upset and shocked that the teachers didnt respect him too! He hugged Radhika and completely understood, what else did she want?
Due to her upcoming board exams she had to stay in that school for some months but she was not sad anymore. She had the courage to deal with all her classmates and teachers. Infact she thanked all her classmates for the lesson she learned. She became so optimistic that she was not afraid of anything that she had to face in the future. She obviously knew she will, I mean who doesn't have problems to deal with?
But she had now known how to face her problems!

She looked at the Indian flag and felt so proud. The white colour representing purity, green representing faith and fertility, saffron representing courage and sacrifice and the wheel of virtue representing growth never failed to sparkle her eyes, widen her smile and light up her heart.

She now decided to focus on her upcoming exams and goals in life. And the best thing happened, she passed all her exams with distinction! She got scholarships from universities and that same school she hated was now proud of her and rewarded her!
Those students and teachers who were jealous, now felt humiliated and apologized for their ruthless behaviour!

Moral : your country will never forget you and will always be waiting for you! You're nationality is your identity, never be ashamed of it!
And if you ever go through such situations, instead of focusing on your haters and life, always focus on your goals and determination and prove them wrong!

Thanks for reading my story! Hope you liked it! If you did, please dont forget to vote for all the chapters, comment and share! It would mean alot to me <3 Love you all!

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