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It was morning she stood up to freshen up when she came out of the bathroom she found an angry looking alpha king “ did you get permission to leave my bed ?” he glared
“ I’m .. sorry .. I didn’t think it through .”
“ go help with breakfast, you'll get your punishment later .”
As she didn’t move he looked at her in anger “ I don’t know where the kitchen is your majesty .” she spoke her voice so angelic and feminine

“ a guard will lead you .. also you will clean all the dishes for your punishment .”
She looked at him sadly, but he ignored her and his wolf along  ..
She moved towards the doors
“ where do you think you’re going looking like that .” she looked down seeing her gown it was for sleep

“ where can I find clothes .”
He pointed to a huge room that was a closet .. she went in changing into a decent casual dress, then left with the help of a guard to the kitchens

Many people were there doing chores “ good morning , I’m here to help with breakfast .”

“ yes dear I got the king’s orders through mind linking.. you can wash these vegetables first .”
She obeyed all their instructions until the blonde from yesterday showed up along with the other girl

“ look who’s here .. what you didn’t satisfy his majesty that he sent you to the kitchens. “ they both laughed , still she ignored them
“Lilia you should respect your Luna, also you know that any mated lady should help with the chores if it’s their mate's orders .”
“ yeah .. yeah , still I’m surprised you're not limping , I guess he didn’t find you appealing that’s why he didn’t touch you. “ teased Lilia
“ and why would I limp?” she asked innocently
“ oh the poor thing is pretending to be innocent , cut the crap peasant. “

“ stop mistreating the Luna. “ spoke the old lady making them leave laughing .
“ I’m sorry Luna . “ spoke one if the maids
“ it’s okay , not your fault .” smiled wren

Breakfast was ready and they started putting it on the magnificent huge dining hall table
“ it fits hundreds .” spoke wren
“ indeed “ responded another lady
Males started coming in and lastly her mate , everyone bowed to him as he sat down then proceeded sitting down ..
Wren stood next to him serving him “ sit down here you need to eat.” He commanded
She sat on his left side facing the beta “ oh good morning  sir Sam .” she spoke cutely seeing the gentle guy who helped her yesterday in front of her
“good morning Luna. “ he smiled back
“ you can call me beta instead of sir .. and this is my mate Rebecca. “ he added
“ hello Luna, nice to meet .. looking forward for more encounters .” greeted Rebecca cheerfully
“ nice to meet you too .. same .” smiled wren
Zanthus was admiring her and how cheerful she was around people this morning
“we will have a mating party this week to welcome the Luna. “
“ we're looking forward your majesty .” they spoke
“ I hope we'll get a heir soon .” spoke one of them making wren choke on her juice
She looked at her mate terrified as he smirked

Breakfast went out smoothly after that , then she proceeded cleaning the table all by herself as it was the alpha king’s order

She didn’t even finish half of it and she was already exhausted..
After a while she finished and proceeded walking towards the kitchens .. she did it four times because of how much dishes there was on the table .
She sat down to relax for a second then stood up to start washing the dishes , it took her two hours to finish and when she did she almost fell on the ground from exhaustion
A guard lead her back to her mate's chambers as she threw herself on the bed sleep took over her fragile body and skipped lunch..
It was getting dark as her mate entered to find her sleeping in a little ball , she looked so tired and scared .. he didn’t want to disturb her so he left her alone he continued working from there until it was time to sleep .
He hugged her body to his smelling her scent , his wolf roared in approval .
Tomorrow morning she woke up to a pair of blie eyes looking at her face at first she got startled then she composed herself  .
“good morning your majesty .” she spoke her morning voice so cute for him
“ good morning kitten , did you sleep well ?” he asked
She nodded in response , suddenly there was thunder and lightning, the sky was gloomy, she jumped in fear from the natural noises , without her realising she found herself getting even closer to her huge mate for protection , it’s what her instinct told her.
He hugged her little frame with one arm while the other one playing with her hair “ are you scared of thunder ?” he spoke carefully to his scared little mate as she buried her face in his broad chest .
“ yes .” she whimpered
“ it’s okay, you’re safe nothing will happen . “ he reassured her .
She looked up at him “ it’s not cold yet why is there thunder .?”she asked softly

“ witches are coming.”
“ why?” he could smell fear on her
“ my mother sent them , they’re friends .” he smiled to her for the first time and she didn’t stop staring at how handsome he is .

“ will I do the dishes again today alpha king ?” she asked nervously
“ No you didn’t break any rule , there’s no reason to punish you .” 
She smiled at him in triumph
“ can I go to the bathroom?” she asked
“ you can .” he nodded
She did her simple morning routine then proceeded to change her dress into another decent casual dress

“ you are going with me today “ he ordered after using the bathroom
“ where?” she asked curiously
“ my office then a tour around the main parts of this castle “ she nodded excited
They ate breakfast in peace then proceeded doing what he planned for the day

As they entered his study she was in aww , it was too huge to be an office , there were royal couches, a huge mahogany desk .
“ sit there and behave .” he ordered not looking at her ..
She did what he said and tried to behave as much as she could .
After a while she felt bored, all she did was sit on the couch like a doll .
There was a knock on the door as Zanthus gave them permission to enter two well built men entered bowing “alpha king “ they greeted in synch
“ alpha we found a rogue on the east side of the kingdom.” Informed one of them
“ and ?”
“ he said he came to seek revenge his now in the dungeons, .”
“after beating him , he said his name was Tengun. “ spoke the other one making wren stand abruptly, Zanthus glared at her but she didn’t notice him .
“ can you please describe him ?” she asked in a hurry
“ brown hair , brown eyes and tanned skin “ they spoke looking to their king not glacing to their Luna even once

“ I.. it’s , it’s him .. my friend …, your majesty can  you please take me there?” she asked
“ retreat.” He ordered his soldiers
“ did I give you permission to talk ? “ he asked in anger
“ your majesty am not a slave , I’m a free maiden , I wouldn’t bring you shame but you can’t tell me when to speak and when not to .”
He stood up walking towards her menacingly as she stood her ground looking down in fear .
“really little mate ? I rule nations and you tell me I can’t rule you my mate , my submissive.”
“ I’m a human being I can’t just stop myself from interacting with people , I’ll go mad .. also I’m not your submissive. “

“ really? You’re not .” he said amused
“ strip. “ he ordered all the fun sent behind the sun .
“ w..what ?”
“as you heard I won’t wait longer .”
“ I can’t .. I.. I don’t want t..to.”
He smirked yanking her towards him , he buried his face in her neck biting her mark gently then licking it.
She couldn’t stop herself from approving to him , her back arched more towards him and she threw sounds of need that she didn’t know she can emit .
“strip .” he whispered in her ear and she obeyed, her body did but her mind cried for her to stop , tears rolled down her face as she obeyed his orders , her dress almost fell down her legs but he caught it covering her and zipping it .
“ I didn’t do it to see your nudity but to show you that you’re indeed my submissive. “ he spoke sternly making her cry even more falling to her knees in shame
“ stop crying it’s not a big deal , you’re already mine , body and soul , you should get used .” he ordered

“ I want to … sobb .. go back .. sniff .. to your chamber .”
As se finished talking there was knock, “enter “
Lilia came in seductively “your majesty .” she kneeled
“ what do you want .” he asked
She looked at a messed up Luna and smirked “ they told me to bring you tea .”

“ and from when do I like tea ?” he spoke annoyed
“ anything you want your majesty I’ll replace it .” she smiled
“ wren come over here .” he ordered and she obeyed trying to avoid his anger
He threw her on his lap kissing her head , wiping her tears “ do you want anything ?” he asked and she shook her head in negative
“ then leave .” he ordered Lilia who left in anger
“stop crying and let’s go have our tour  “ he ordered gently
She nodded sniffing , he took her hand and guided her out of his office .

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