You guys break up

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Nugget: you saw lilly kiss his check at the end of the day. You ran off to your house and nugget was calling your name. When you got home you texted nugget ( yes you guys have phones) "we are over!!".

Buggs: he never payed attention to you that much anymore and you started to get depressed. You went to the bathroom and skipped the class you have with him. You didn't really wanna see him, he went to the bathroom and found you. He started yelling at you calling you names like "bitch" or "fag" (don't call anyone that). You screamed "I'm done with you" and left. He messed everything up

Monty: you saw him and Jerome kissing. You started to cry softly and he saw you. He quickly pusses Jerome away but you left already.

Jerome: same as Montys

Ted: you guys never broke up.

Felix: he was nice to you at first but now started to be a bitch. He started calling you names and doing things he did to Ted to you. You started crying and asked to go to the bathroom. You texted him "I don't know what the fuck I did to make you act like that but I'm sorry, I think we should break up". You skipped lunch and when you walked out the bathroom you saw him crying with Ted.

Billy: you didn't break up

Ted and Felix: people started calling you whore or slut and made fun of you for dating both of them at the same time. You texted them both " I'm sorry but we need to break up" and never texted them again for a bit.

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