She's back

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Marinette pov

I woke up late for school again, I started running around getting ready to school with tikki right behind me helping me and making sure I don't forget anything .When I was finished getting ready I ran down stairs, grabbed an apple and a cookie for tikki. I kissed ma and pa bye as I left for school.

I entered class to see everyone in a different seat and a clear seat next to Adrien. I quickly walked to Alya to ask her what going on and thank her for doing her magic to get me seat next to Adrien.

"Alya what's going on? It's sweet that you got me a seat next to Adrien but I can't do it. Remember I told you last time I can barely even talk to him let alone sit next to him. I'll just get distracted." I tried to explain to Alya.

"Girl calm down. What are you talking about that's not your seat remember your seat is there." Alya said as she pointed to the back seat. Now I'm confused if that's not my seat then who's seat is it but before I could ask someone walked into class, Lila the liar.

"Hi everyone"Lila said as she walked to 'her' seat.

Don't get me wrong if she was really disabled I would gladly give my seat even if it was Lila but she's NOT disabled she's just a liar but remembered what happened last time so I took a deep breath and to the seat to the back.

"It looks like Miss Bustier is going to be late" I heard Max say.

"Hey Lila why don't you tell us about your adventures in America" Kim said enthusiastically.

"Oh where should I begin" Lila said flattered.

I just I rolled my eyes, i put my earbods on and listened to some relaxing music and started to design some new designs in my design book.
I nod my head in beat to the music ignoring everything around me.

I look up and saw Lila look at me with annoyance before she smirked at me. I just rolled my eyes at her and saw her smirk turned back to a look of annoyance. It's not much but I felt I bit of a accomplishment when she looked at me like that. I smiled.

'You can't steal my friends Lila nor can you deceive Adrien into liking you. I have faith in my friends.' I thought knowing my friend won't leave me. I smiled and continue with my designs.

Dont leave me (miraculous ladybug fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now