Turning in your Story

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How to turn in your short story. Hopefully you've already read the description, right? Ok, this just makes it more clear and how you will turn it in, and what you have to do. 

1. Write your story. Please don't give me a description and tell me to write it. This is for you! 

2. Your story must be at least 1000 words, and at max 10000 words. 

3. Give me a title, genre, target age group, and if it's a Fanfiction or not and tell me what fandom it is. EX: Action, ages 13-18, Fanfiction (Harry Potter).

4. Give me a description of the story, (Make it short)

5. I didn't know exactly how you were gonna give it to me so I'll make it easy. Tell my you're about to post it on your profile via WattPad messages. Once I respond, you can post it. I will I read through it, then copy and paste into here. I will message you and you MUST take it off of your profile. 

6. Make sure it is OFF YOUR PROFILE!

7. After I post it, go to your conversations page and put this book on it so your followers can read it.

8. Have fun reading!

What NOT to do

1. Add a sex scene in explicit detail. Like I said, this is for all ages, and we do not want to scar a 12 year old. 

2. Don't write me a novel.

3. Like I said before, don't make me write it for you. (I actually have an exception for this like if you know for a fact you cannot write, then I will put the description in this book and a different person who wants it can collaborate with you and write a story.)

4. Please put a warning on your description saying it has horror/scary parts, violence, drug use, etc. 

5. Not give me a description The description is there so people can decide whether they will read it or not. If you just give a title than no will know what it's about. 

6. Post it then tell me you did. You must warn me when and WAIT for me to respond. I normally can be pretty quick. 


1. You CAN have a cover for it. I can make one if you want, or you can give me one by putting it as a photo in your story when its on your profile. 

2. If you want to, add your own art for little illustrations of scenes. 

3. If you are thinking of anything else, just ask me! Have fun!

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