all things must...

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I don't even know what to say. 

I purposefully put those last two chapters up and shut off my notifications because I couldn't... I dunno?... deal with ending this. But I feel like it's time. 

I wrote what felt like non-stop for almost two years and managed to burn myself out. I spent countless hours staring at a blank word doc unable to conjure anything, so I guess that was my sign to let these two go. Which is surprisingly and embarrassingly sad for me! 

But I have so much written that never made it to the book. 278,722 words worth. I'm hesitant to post more chapters because I don't want to detract from an already convoluted storyline, but I also can't just delete it all. So that leaves me with the option of adding a new book of 'extras' if you guys are willing to read them. 

And I'm definitely going back to rewrite parts of the first book that are... really bad.

So I'm not going anywhere and really, neither are Dave and Liz. I still want to write one-shots on them or different perspectives or deleted scenes or answer questions or whatever you guys want to read! Drop me a comment or a message and request something. Maybe something will kick me in the ass and I'll have enough for a third book. I'm just saying I'm down for whatever you guys are. 

In the meantime, I don't even know how to start thanking all of you for reading this weird little fever dream of mine. In the past 24 hours, I've had messages and comments from people that I didn't even know were reading this tell me not to quit! And of course all my regular readers... I'm not even sure you realize how much your comments and votes and ALL OF IT means to me! The endorphin high I get when I see that little 'w' in my notification bar should probably be illegal. 

I love every single one of you.

And Dave, if you ever happen to read this... just pretend it never happened. Close this website and walk away, my dude. (Also, I'm so fucking sorry and I love you.)


Kate xx

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