Sticky notes

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The shot. The echo. The bullet. The man. The web. The miss. The suicide. Peter just crumbled.

It started with him swinging through Queens. He wasn't in the mood today. Ned was sick and Mj was out of town so flash was extra harsh. His mum was out of town on a business trip. He had no sleep last night because of a nightmare. Peter just wanted to curl up in bed and watch Star Wars with his dad. But saving people was more important. So when Peter couldn't save someone. Things got out of hand.

Peter was warned by Karen of a man with a gun and a little girl in danger. Peter managed to swing over there before someone got hurt. If only he didn't.

"Look mom. It's spider man. He'll save u-!" The young girl cried out. Her words were cut off by a bullet being fired at her heart. The man ran off and tried to escape. Peter shot a web at him but he dodged. He fired bullets at the girls mum. Then turned the gun on himself.

"Third times the charm." The man fell to the floor along with Peter. Peter's shrill cry echoed through the street.
"Contacting: Tin can man." Karen just informed Peter, he wasn't in the mood to laugh at Tony's little joke.

"Mr Parker is in major distress, Sir" Friday's robotic voice cut off Tony's music.
Tony called the fastest suit he had. Mk.40.

The scene that laid before Tony shook him. Peter was knelt on the floor with his head in his hands, wailing and screaming about he just wanted to help and how... how he wanted to die too!? Tony shook his head lightly and rushed over to where Peter laid. Tony reached out to touch Peter's shoulder but he shot back, away from his touch and yelled at him to go away. Until he realised who was here.

"Da-?" Peter's voice was husky and broken. "Dad What have I done!? They're dead. Three people. Dead because of me!" Peter burst into wailing cries again. "Peter. Let's get back to the tower and you can tell me everything."

7 avengers told to piss off
6 hugs
5 break-downs
4 tea breaks
Tony was fully caught up. But peter wasn't done.

"Dad I'm a failure. What's the point in me even being spider man. I don't deserve these powers. I don't deserve life after this. They're dead. I could have stopped it. But I didn't. What about their families?! OH GOD!" Peter burst into uncontrollable sobs.

"Peter. Peter!" Peter's head shot up. Tears were still falling down his blotchy red face. He looked back down at his hands. Tony pulled up his chin to meet his eyes. "I want you to listen to me."
"What are you blaming yourself for?"
"Their death."
"Because I couldn't have stopped their death. It's my fault they aren't alive."
"Did you fire the gun?"
"Did you fire the gun?" Tony persisted.
"Did you shoot anybody at all."
"Did you personally kill anyone?"
"Then it's not your fault, kid"

"But it is dad! I could have webbed the gun out of his hand but instead I just stared. If I'd actually been decent I would have done something." "Forget this. Forget spider man! I'm done! I give up!" Peter threw the suit at Tony and ran to his room.
"Fri- lock the widows so peter can't get out." Tony would have ran after peter and had a dad talk with him about ptsd and how he's not a failure. He had a better idea. He hoped.

He gathered all the avengers in the kitchen. He reached out to someone special to contribute to his plan.
"Right everyone." Tony called attention to the people in the room.
"It's very safe to say that we all love Peter, yes?" Everybody nodded, including Loki. He had a soft spot for Peter.
"This job finally broke him. You know when someone gets killed 'because of you'." Tony added the last bit with air quotes. Again, everyone nodded. They'd all gone through this before and knew exactly how he felt.

"Poor kid. There's no feeling worse in the world. Knowing you failed to protect someone." Clint said. His solemn face was shared amongst the group.

Tony handed 3 sticky notes to each avenger, specific colours and patterns for each person, and told them to write about what they love about Peter. The team was done in 5 minutes. They all snuck up to Peter's room, Tony checking he was asleep, and formed an orderly queue outside his door. They went in, 2 at a time, and stuck the notes in random places on the wall next to Peter's bed. Tony told them to leave a space in the middle. They all thought it was for him, but they were wrong.

After each avenger stuck the notes to the wall, they went back to their rooms to sleep. Natasha was the last one to go to her room , sticking her red notes with a faint black spider on it on the wall, and it wasn't long before she was asleep.

As if on cue, as soon as Natasha's door clicked shut, the elevator door opened and a man in a long black coat stepped out.
"Stark." The man gave a curt, light nod.
"Fury! How are you, sassy spacek?" Tony smirked.

Fury scowled at him. "I'd turn around and walk out on your stupid ass if it wasn't for the kid." Tony just saluted him and handed him one sticky note. "Just write what's good about the kid. It shouldn't be too hard. The little spider is basically an angel from heaven. Breaks my heart to see him like this."

Fury was done before Tony even finished talking.
"Where's the kids room?" Fury asked Tony.
"Believe it or not. The one with a spider on it." Fury just rolled his eyes.

Fury opened Peter's door and snuck in. He noticed the space in the middle of the wall for him. He delicately placed his sticky note on the wall then crept back out. Tony didn't notice him pull a black, folded up suit on Peter's bed. Fury placed two more notes on top, then left, shutting the door behind him. "Let me know what he thinks." Tony assumed he was talking about the notes. He was in for a surprise too.

Morning came and Peter was still really upset, but Tony's words really comforted him. His sleep gave him time to think it over and he'd began to accept it. There was 'nothing he could do' and 'there will always be what if's'. Peter trusted Tony when he told him that. He trusted him more than himself.

Peter's eyes were drawn to the wall of notes. Needless to say he was confused. He pulled off a few and let out a few small laughs at the cringey ones.

"I may be a super soldier. But you're a super soul-dier -Steve."
"You're the one I hate least -Loki."
"At least you aren't as bad as me -Dad."

Amongst the rainbow of colour, the black note with white writing caught Peter's eye.

"Thor maybe the strongest of muscle. Bruce,Nat and Tony the strongest of mind. But you are the strongest of heart and soul. Nothing is more powerful than that. Believe in yourself, you're stronger than you know. NJF. Ps. Hope you like the suit ,).

Peter laughed at the one eyed smiley face and dumped every single note on his bed, to stick on his closet wall later. He noticed the black heap of fabric on his bed and picked up the two notes. One was instructions on the suit.

 One was instructions on the suit

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The other was from Maria. "Bright red is a little obvious don't you think? I hope you like the suit, made it myself -Maria xx"

Peter smiled again. Maybe spider man wasn't so bad.

Hope you enjoyed this :)
I'd be happy to do any requests if you have any. Thanks for reading and I love you all 💕
-K 🔵

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