Chapter 3

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"Chihiro, Lord Fourth will be coming for you today." I blankly looked at Hiashi across the table. "You better not cause him any trouble or disgrace the Hyuuga name."

I nodded slightly. "Yes, sir." I continued to eat breakfast, which was silent after that. I could barely contain my excitement at being out from under Hyuuga's disapproving gaze. When we were finished, I gathered the plates and washed dishes.

I felt eyes on me but didn't turn around, even when they left. When I finished I went to my room and prepared to leave. Not long after, I felt Minato's familiar signature and smiled.

I straightened my face before leaving my room to meet him. Hiashi was waiting for me at the door. Ready to get rid of me, I suppose. I felt a pang of sadness at the thought, but it was quickly replaced when I heard a knock at the door.

When Minato entered, I bowed formally. "Lord Hokage."

He glanced at me concerned but turned to the head of Hyuuga. "I'll take over her training for 2 weeks as agreed."

Hiashi gave a brisk nod. "As long as she behaves." I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. "Well, get going. There is no need to keep him waiting." I silently bowed to him and followed Minato out of the compound.

As soon as I was far enough away, I broke into a big smile. "Two weeks? Really?!"

Minato smiled at me. "Don't get too excited. Training will be hard as always. Have you been practicing?"

I nodded, stretching. "Haven't heard a thought since last time."

He smirked. "Good, we're about to get some good practice for the next step then."

I looked at him expectantly. "Next step?"

He simply looked forward. "Where would you like to eat?"

The question made me forget my question. "Dango!"

He chuckled. "Always." We entered the dango shop and took our seats. The waitress came up and smiled at Minato first before her gaze paused on me. I simply stared back, knowing my appearance caught her off guard. I tried to block her thoughts, but I let my guard down when I was talking to Minato. Such a strange looking child. What is she doing with him?

I smiled at her sweetly, though her thoughts stung and buried my face in the menu. I started to build my mental walls back up when I felt a familiar presence and got distracted while Minato was ordering.

I peered over the menu to see the boy from the night before strolling in. This isn't good. He was with another boy, spiky haired and seemed to be his polar opposite. Where the first boy was seemingly emotionless, this one was exuberant. Unlikely pair. Must be related. I hid back behind my menu to avoid being noticed, but it was for nothing because they slid into the table next to us.

"Hey, Lord Fourth." I frowned behind my menu and adopted my stoic expression.

"Shisui, Itachi, how are you?" I lowered the menu mildly interested. So, which name to which boy?

The expressive boy was the one who spoke. "Good, just hungry!" I watched him carefully. More to him than I would've thought. "Who's this with you?" He looked at me and paused, taking in my strange eyes and hair. I met his gaze, not blinking or sparing a smile.

Minato cleared his throat, making me look at him. "This is Chihiro, I'm training her."

He turned to the long-haired boy. "Hey, Itachi, it looks like you have competition in the blank face department." Itachi...

He scowled at the one called Shisui and took his seat, which was diagonal from me. "Nice to meet you."

I nodded. "You two as well."

Minato clicked his tongue. "You should be nicer, Chihiro."

I sighed and frowned at him. "Fine."

Our tea and dango arrived when I saw Minato looking at me intently. I looked back at him and felt a slight prod in my head. I raised an eyebrow, and he gave a subtle nod. I let down my mental walls and was bombarded with thoughts. I want you to focus on my mind and my mind only. I gave him a surprised look. Watch your face. No one can know you're hearing me.

But I don't wanna. I rolled my eyes and tried to focus. Tasting the sweet dango, I noticed the boys watching us and ignored them. His thoughts and his thoughts only. It was easier said than done. I could hear some woman fretting over her husband, not returning from his mission, and another person being thankful they made it back alive.

I gazed intently at Minato to no avail, I was starting to get a headache. What is she looking at him like that for?

It was Shisui's thought he was just as outspoken mentally. I paused for a minute, trying to hear Itachi's thoughts.

Not necessarily giving up on the task, I switched my attention to finding the soft-spoken thoughts of Itachi. Hmmmm... I closed my eyes, searching for his voice among the many, and pinpointed it... vanished, I don't understand. There's no way a girl her age could... I inwardly smirked, leaving his thoughts be. I was a conundrum for him, and I liked it that way. As long as he keeps his mouth shut about last night.

I started to search for Minato's mind. Have you got it yet? He was purposefully making his thoughts soft so I would have to concentrate. I gave him a slight nod. Good, now about these next two weeks...

I tried to listen to him, but my vision started to get hazy. I put my hand over my eyes and tried to shake it off. I looked up to see Minato frowning. "Are you okay?" I couldn't tell if it was his voice or his mind, but before I could answer, the world went dark.

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