Chapter 30

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I could hear the harsh comments and feel the cold stares as I approached the interrogation building.  When I entered, I was suddenly assaulted by a man dress in all black with glasses.  I quickly dodged and prepared to run.  I'm still too weak...

"You shouldn't be here."  The man was preparing to charge again.  "Die demon fox."

I dodged again, and he threw several kunai in my direction, but they were deflected.  "What do you think you're doing?"

The man froze and stood.  "Eliminating a threat."

Ibiki's fury was palpable, but I pulled his jacket.  "It's okay."

He glared down at me, and I smiled.  "Take him in... Now!"  I looked at him in surprise but didn't object.  He was not in the mood to be questioned.  The man tried to protest, but his captors quickly gagged him to prevent him from upsetting Ibiki more.

I watched as they dragged him away.  "You can't keep him. He did nothing wrong."

He glared at me again.  "He attacked a citizen of the leaf and the Hokage's daughter.  He has plenty to answer for."

I sighed.  "He's right to fear me, but not for the Kyuubi sensei."

He looked at me curiously.  "What then?"

I gave him a small smirk.  "I need information, but the ones I need it from... might be the criminal.  However, that is for another day.  Today, I want to pick your brain."

He raised an eyebrow.  "Then follow me to my office."  We talked for two hours before I felt I had the information I needed.  We exited his office, and I was setting off to my new destination.  "So, what's your plan?"

I smiled sweetly.  "If I told you that, then it would ruin my fun."  I trekked across the village to the Hyuuga compound.  I was welcomed at the gates by two Anbu shinobi.

I ignored them and attempted to enter only to be intercepted.  "You will not enter here."

I ignored the venom in his words.  "Then bring Hiashi to me."

He scoffed.  "What would he want with the likes of you? And that's Lord Hyuuga to you."

I was becoming impatient with his taunting, but I didn't break my emotionless facade.  "It doesn't concern you, now of you don't move voluntarily..."

I stopped short as Hiashi approached.  "So, are you ready?"

I simply looked at him.  "Do I have a choice?"  He gave one solemn nod before turning to leave, I followed, silent.

Hiashi brought me to the meeting room, and I sat on my heels in the middle of the room.  "The seal will be painful, but protect the clan.  Do you understand?"  I didn't respond, but he still took it as affirmation.  There were several people present, including children who would also receive the side branch seal in the coming months, this was a way to prepare them.

Hiashi began the ritual, and I allowed him to scrawl the symbols across my forehead.  He did hand signs in quick succession before touching my forehead.  I closed my eyes to prepare for the pain but heard him yell out and tumble to the floor.  There was a chorus of whispers as I reopened my eyes.

Hiashi was looking at me in horror, the very seal his tried to place on me bright on his own brow.  It took a moment for me to register, but I approached him calmly.  "Stay away from me."  He hissed.

I shook my head.  "I have to remove it before it's too late."

His eyes widened in confusion.  "There is no wa-"

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