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U.A high school was a school for gifted kids. Only the best of the best got in. Those who wished to be famous for their talents enlisted with hopes to make it in, but only 3 out of 1000 would make it in. Class 1-A is filled with exceptionally good students with the skills to make it beyond famous. Actors, make up artists, artists, contractors, musicians, authors, etc. filled the school.

Class 1-A was filled with only the brightest and the talented.

In Class 1-B, there were students who were still exceptionally good and exceptionally talented, but not as talented as Class 1-A. They were an inch under Class 1-A in talent and intelligence. One girl in particular was just as talented as Class 1-A, she just chooses to hide the talent.

"Alright class," a male teacher with black long hair wearing black sweat pants and a black sweatshirt announces, silencing any and all conversation in his homeroom. Class 1-A pays attention to the teacher, directing their attention onto him the second he walks in the room.

"Aizawa-sensai!" The class nearly shouts in sync as they stand up, bow, and sit back down. Aizawa-sensai waves his hand, waving away the greeting.

"We have a tough battle for you to over come," he announces in a sleepy tone. A blonde teenager with a black electric streak in his hair stands up in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" He nearly shouts. "Are we going to get attacked like what happened at the USJ?" He shudders, remembering the class trip they took to the Universal Studios of Japan.

Terrorists attacked the Studio injuring one of their classmates and their teacher  critically- Izuku had to stay home for weeks and Aizawa-sensai still came to school to teach despite his major injures. He looked like a mummy wrapped in all guazes and tape. The teacher banded together injuring the leader making all of the terrorists get away.

Aizawa-sensai rolls his eyes, commanding Denki to sit down. He also warns him that if he interrupts his teaching again, he was going to get detention. Denki clams up quickly after that and sits down, not making a peep for the rest of the hour.

"Anyways," Aizawa speaks calmly, the tiredness in his voice apparent. He shoves his hands in his sweatpants pocket directing he attention back to the class. "Halloween is coming up and principal Nezu thinks it's a good idea for Class 1-A to create a Halloween themed fundraiser."

The class erupts into excited chatter only to be silenced by Aizawa automatically after. "This is technically suppose to be just us creating it, but, you can invite one person from a different class to help you." Bakugou tch's and stands up from his seat.

"Invite another extra?" He sneers. "Yeah, how about no." Aizawa glares Bakugou.

Aizawa, tired of having people interrupt him, takes a ruler over Bakugou's head. Bakugou starts ranting, yelling at Aizawa for being a bad teacher. Teachers aren't suppose to hit their students, but when did Aizawa care about the rules?

Kirishima automatically tries to calm his technology engineering friend down. Bakugou eventually sits down after a few calming words from Kirishima. He crosses his arms over his chest, silently fuming. Aizawa walks to the front of the class to finish what he wanted to say.

"This class has a huge responsibility. The project has to be done a week before Halloween because it's required to open the 30th of October; a day before Halloween." Sero, Mina, Urarake, Izuku, Denki, and Kirishima cheer because they were able to go trick or treating. Aizawa calms them down before adding a few things.

"Remember, one person can assist you and everyone in the school will be here. Only Class 1-A is doing the fundraiser. And it has to be done a week before Halloween." Aizawa pauses, looking at each of his students with a hidden belief that they could do it. "Classes will be off a day before it's due so you could set up everything you need. For your project, you can ask for the materials and they will be given to you. Start brain storming some ideas quietly."

Aizawa turns, walking out of the classroom to go take a nap in the faculty room. Once he leaves, the class erupts into excited chatter. Ideas were thrown out onto the table onto to be rejected. Finally, one came into plain view and everyone agreed almost automatically.

"We're doing a haunted high school," no one knew who said it, it could have been Bakugou because of how passionately and determinedly it was said- though if it was him the class was surprised that he didn't cuss- but it could have been Todoroki or Iida or Kirishima for all everyone could know.

The days to come were filled with preparations, hardships, and insults/criticism of the haunted high school.

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