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I stood I'm front of the office looking at it feeling nervous. Can I? Nah, I'll just go back and say that my mom got me a new job.

I turn around leaving. "Hey, Rukayya. Where are you going?" A familiar voice called. I turned around and saw that girl  that spoke to me in the cafeteria.

"Hey." I say feeling embarrassed. "Do you recognise me?" She asks standing in the front of me. "Yeah, of course." I say hugging her.

"God, I forgot to tell you my name." She says sighing. "Ummita Idris, 25, architect, orphan, single and I am the 6th child." She She says with a smile on her face.

"Well, I am rukayya and hope we do get to know each other." I say walking into the building. It brought back memories that I wanted gone.

Ummita just kept on talking about something that I couldn't listen to. "Um, what has changed exactly?" I ask walking to the elevator.

"Well, I'm the other assistant because that hadiza was fired with salma. Some changes like elevator, cafeteria and some changes. I forgot because I'm used to it now."

She says looking at me. "I am happy that someone is going to be working with me because it gets lonely." She says with a sigh. "Yep, it happens."

I walk into the place and my table was just the way I left it. Beautiful. I jump on my chair as I closed my eyes. "Finally, something to do and look forward to." I say swinging the chair.

Ummita laughs a bit as she sat down too. I stop then sighed. "You know, I have to say that I kinda miss that hadiza chick." I say throwing a candy in my mouth.

"You're crazy." She says sorting out some files. "I know, right?" I say scoffing and she laughs. I place my arm on the table looking looking at Ummita as she sorted It out.

"You're used to it." I say. "Yeah. At first I had a huge migraine and a fever but in time I got used to it." She says before she stands up. I lean back when mohammad's door swung open.

"Ummi, please get mallam isah's blue print, so I could start working on it."

He says as i looked at him. He was wearing sweats as a she looked at me. "Oh you're here already? Welcome back but come help me with this blueprint."

He says going back inside his office. "You Go girl." She whispers, cheering me on. I walked inside the office and realised that there were changes that were made. It is way more sophisticated.

I look around impressed. "This looks really nice." I say while he looked at the blue print. "Yeah, I changed some things." He said as I stood beside him looking at it.

"Is this his?" I ask and he nods. "I've got to admit that I've missed this." I say looking at th paper. "Why? I thought it was fun for you so you could be hanging out with your guy." He says looking at me.

"Yeah but sometimes, I am alone with nothing to do so I just reminisce." I say. "About this firm?" He says. "Yeah and some other stuff."

I say sighing. "Like what?" He says but I look at him at last. "About this place, it is very....blurry though." I use my hand to point at the area and to change he topic.


I sigh sitting on the chair. "Really? You didn't do anything or you know have a moment or anything?!" Ummita says opening her bottle.

"Nah, I have a boyfriend and to be honest with you, I never thought I might have feelings for him." I say taking a bite off my sandwich.

"Hmm, I don't think so fah. I just think that you are trying to convince yourself." Ummita says leaning back on on the chair. "Whatever." I say losing my appetite. "Do you have any friends?" She asks and I nod.

"Male?" She adds as I smile. "Yeah but they are mostly married or dating." I sigh. "What about your brother?" She asks raising her eyebrows. "1, he's my younger brother. 2, he's dating my friend already."

I say. "Are you serious? She is dating your younger brother. I mean.....pedophile." She says and I look at her. "I don't care, it is true astagafurullah but nah."

She adds but I just smile. "That's your side of the page." I say as she nods. "Yeah but she must be a very good friend to you that you are acting like that." She says. "Yeah, my close friend." I say standing up.

"Oh, sorry." She say with a nervous laugh. "Yeah, no problem." I say as we walked out of the place.

Imran's P. O. V

I pace as mukhtar told me what he found out so far. "His real name is Sadeeq Mukhtar and he is a business man with a huge company that he inherited from his father when he died."

He says as I took a deep breath. "His mom died giving birth to him and he has no siblings. He schooled in new Hampshire, United Kingdom. He is 33 years old." He says then looked at me.

"Is that all?" I say turning to him. "Hey, I have tried very hard because this guy is kind of shady and hard to get anything about him." He says and I nod. "Sorry,  I'm just passed off because he fooled us. I need to get enough evidence to support the truth so please check for more."

I say as he nods. "You're my Bro, of course. I will be back with more important information about him." He says and I hug him a bit. "Thanks Bro." I say patting his back.

"Stop acting gay and back off. You watch too many movies so please get out of my way, let me save my girl." Mukhtar says smiling and I erupted in laughter.

He walked out of kitchen and I followed him. I went to my room when I saw Maryam laying down on the bed. "Hey." She says smiling but I ignore her.

She is getting on my goddamn nerves every time. "Are you okay?" She asks placing her hand on my shoulder. "Maryam,  please stop this." I say turning to face her.

"Stop what?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows. "This, this thing we are doing. I want to stop it. We are not doing anything serious but sleeping with each other and I want something serious."

I say as she placed her hand on my jaw. "Then we can be." She says and I scoff. "Are you serious right now? We can never be serious so let's just call it quits."

I say sitting on the bed. She stood there for some time before she knelt down between my legs. ' Why would you say that? I love you and I can't be with anyone else because there isn't!"

She says with tears in her eyes. "Okay, okay, okay. I'll be real with you." I say cupping her cheeks as she holds my wrists. "You're beautiful, hot, nice, caring, lovable, interesting and so much more but I am just wasting your time."

She tried to interrupt me but I stop her. "We are never going to work and I don't want this thing. I want to start my life seriously with no stupidity or immaturity so please let us just move on. Okay?"

I say and she nods, sniffling. "You really want to end this?" She says wiping her tears. "Yeah and I hope we can still be cool about it." I say smiling. "No, hell no."

She says standing up and covering her lingerie with a robe. "Maryam." I call her. "No, imran! Do you know how many people dissed me because of you? How can I be cool? I lost my virginity to you."

She cries as I hug her. "I'm sorry,  I'm so sorry but I just don't want to waste your time while we have no chance." I said but she pulled away.

"We did, you ruined it." She says before leaving the room, slamming the door. That did not go so well.

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