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Imran's point of view

I take Ahmad, walking to the front door then knocked. The door swung open as maryam appeared.

"Heeyyyy!" She carries the baby, playing with him. "How has he been? Was it easy for you?"

She takes his toys from me. "Not easy at first but I became fond of him. Mama helped me too."

"That's great, see you then." She attempts to close the door. I held the door, regretting immediately.

"What is it?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows. "I want to tell you something."

I want to tell maryam how I feel about her but there is a catch, she's married.


"I like you, maybe its because of how you acted maturely and considerably about Ahmad. I don't know how to control my feelings."

I confess but she seems to be taking it well. "Okay, what do you want me to do? You like me, fine. What's our next step?"

She obviously isn't going to follow me. "I don't know." I shake my head. "Should I divorce my husband?"

I widen my eyes, I like maryam but I really like and respect her husband. He is taking care of my son.

"No, I don't want you to leave him."

She chuckles. "Then why are you telling me this? You obviously don't want mW to leave him. I am flattered and I understand why you want to tell me. To make peace with yourself. I'm good though."

I nod, bummed but not much. "Now, people might suspect us since this boy looks too much like you. Thank god, I don't give a fuck anymore."

She kisses Ahmad's fat cheeks. "Yeah, be safe and don't cheat on your husband."

She rolls her eyes while I walked away. "Greet rukky for me! And mama!" I nod, walking away.

Ruqayyah's point of view

"Mohammad, its starting!" I shout as Mohammad sat beside me, handing me a bowl of popcorn with small pieces of beef dropped inside.

I saw the recipe online so I made it, nah, I ordered it. I have gained weight, a pound the last time I checked.

Mohammad has been feeding me excessively because he want a healthy fat cheeked baby.

"Here you go."

"You know you're making it harder for me to give birth right? You're giving me excess sugar and I'm gaining weight, not so good for labor."

He nods. "Who told you this?" He crosses his arms. "A new doctor named Hashim actually."

I look back at the tv, shoving popcorn in my mouth. "I'll manage this, it'll be the last though."

"Of the popcorn or everything?"

"Popcorn, I can't resist the rest." I admit as he chuckles. "I love you." He kisses me.

"Thank you." I lean on his chest. Mohammad is the husband I always dreamed of, very supportive and caring.

I rub my belly feeling the kicks the baby made. I am happy, never been happier but I'm worried.

I can't help it, the baby might have the disease. I don't want to be the vibe killer on this happy moments.

So I just asked imran to check it up for me. I don't want to go to the hospital about this now.

My phone rang. "I'll be back." I go to the kitchen. "So I have good news."

Imran says. "Okay, I'm listening."

"Your baby has a 70% chance of not having it. Mohammad's blood sample showed it going to be dominant plus withghe certain amount of drugs when the baby is younger, he's going to be fine. He wouldn't need drugs when he grows."

I sigh in relief, closing my eyes. "Its good from what they said. They are suspecting it."

"Thank you, imran. I appreciate it, how did it go with Maryam?" I ask sitting down.

"She talked some sense into me, not shouting at me but making am incredible point. How's your friend holding up?"

He meant ummi. Ummi divorced her husband because he was actually abusing her. She is divorced now and she didn't get pregnant.

The minute he started abusing her she spoke up. She said that it didn't matter, she isn't going to die by his hands.

She is on the low now.

"She's holding up well. How's our bride to be? I heard she's nineteen." I smile.

"Yeah, she is understanding. I like her too."

"You like her too? Why did you tell maryam or even like her again in the first place?"

I ask furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah, I wanted to tell maryam so the feeling can go away faster but I like this girl and I'm serious about her. Oh ammah's gaisuwa is next week."

I nod, standing up. "Okay, I'll talk to you later. I left Mohammad in the parlor alone, thank you again."

I hang up before going of the parlor, sitting beside Mohammad. Now, I'm actually in a good state.

My family is good. Work is good. I'm happy. For now.

The end end!

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