Chapter 1: Abnormally Late

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Pov: Ishimaru

He lays on the floor, no memory of how he got there. 

All that could be made out was that the floor felt soft. He turned to the side, only to see the ocean of cherry blossom petals that surrounded him. 

He lifted his head, only to see a figure by the singular tree within the void of pink. He gave a soft smile to the figure. He didn't know why. It felt right.

An awful repetitive beeping started up as the figure walked towards him. That was... oddly familiar.

Ishimaru groaned, everything fading out. 

He kept his eyes closed, but the alarm forced him to open them in order to turn it off. He yawned, getting up to look at the time. 6:53 am. He stared at the time, glowing in bright red right in front of him. His expression remained a blank, sleepy one.

6:53 am.

6:53 am.

Class starts in 17 minutes.

Ishimaru felt panicked, rolling off his bed on to the floor. He jumped back up to grab his clothes and shoved them on to the bathroom counter. He threw himself into the shower, taking his toothbrush in with him because he has absolutely no time to do those seperately. He was going to be late.

He got out and dried off. Ishimaru took a bit of gel, pushing his hair up and then went to put his clothes on at the same speed he did everything else. 

He looked at the alarm, which now read 7:07 am. "Shit."

Ishimaru sprinted down the stairs and out the door, starting on sprinting all the way to school. The poor student missed the breakfast and lunch set up for him on the counter. He was going to be sweaty, late, and tired but if he ran he wouldn't be as late. (Which, of course, was his main problem.)


He entered the school, looking around. No one was here aside from a few teachers who patroled the halls. Ishimaru changed his shoes, dropping the other ones off into the locker. He then rushed to get to class, which was active as soon as he walked in. The teacher didn't stop his lesson, as he expected.

But he felt like everyone was staring at him. Everyone was watching their best example student show up late. They were judging him, and he was setting an awful example.

Realistically, he only got a glance from two or three students and a small wave from Chihiro. Owada was probably the only one staring, confused as to where his friend had been. 

He sat down, anxious and scared. He looked over to Owada, who gave him a worried look but he just gave him a soft smile back. 

The compass tried to focus, but all he ended up doing was falling back into his anxieties and wanting to get out of that room. 


The class finished up gym, putting up some basketballs that they'd used for class. Ishimaru got changed, walking outside. He got to a tree and shoved some snow out of the way in order to sit down, which wasn't effective because it was absolutely freezing anyway. He had completely forgot to grab his jacket and lunch, which left him shivering. But some shivering was better than the crowd in the cafeteria. 

"Sup, Taka! Been lookin' all over this shithole for ya. What're you doin' out here?" That was Owada. He looked up at the figure that towered over him. He looked happy that he'd finally found the ever elusive hall moniter. 

He always makes you feel... small, doesn't he?

"Hello, Owada." Ishimaru greeted with a smile. "And what was it I said about swearing on school grounds?" It sounded more like a joke than something serious.

"Not to, or somethin' like that. Mind if I sit?" Owada asked.

"That would be alright." 

Owada sat himself in the snow, his jacket long enough to act as something to sit on. He put his lunch on the snow in front of him and looked over at the other, face resting on his palms. "So, sup with you?"

"Not much. I ran a bit late today because I didn't wake up until quite late."

Owada nodded, then looked around. "Where's your lunch?"

"I was in a rush, and forgot to grab it."

The other pushed his tray forward, looking at Ishimaru. "How bout' we share, than?"

"Ah," He thought for a second, "that would be nice."

The both smiled at each other, as if the simple presense of one another was enough to brighten their days. And really, that's how it was.


Author's Note: I am in the process of rewriting all first person chapers. When motivation hits me again, the next chapters will make more sense and connect to this one better. <3


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