Chapter 10: Finals Stress

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Ishimaru sat in the school's library, going over textbooks and notes he'd been going over everyday this week. It was a week and a half before winter break and he hadn't seen Owada recently, due to his obsessive studying. The hall monitor secretly hoped that the other wouldn't find him. The biker would most likely make him take a break from non-stop studying.

"Yo, Taka!" a voice shouted from the entrance of the library. An angry "Shhh" and a small apology could be heard after. Ishimaru turned around, only to be met with Owada standing directly behind him. "Sorry, should've come over here first." he apologized.

"It's alright. Do you need something?"

Owada took the seat next to Ishimaru. "I haven't seen ya anywhere but class since last week. what've you been up to?"

"Studying." Ishimaru stated, looking back down at his notes.

"What?" the biker asked, clearly confused. "Do you seriously do nothin' but study in your free time? Y'know it's just a stupid test, right?"

Ishimaru looked back up at Owada, not being able to focus on his notes any more. "Mondo." he snapped at the other. "It's not just a 'Stupid test' it's a semester final."

Owada felt a small pain in his chest, Ishimaru rarely snapped at him.

"Now, if you don't mind, please leave me alone. I'm trying to study and you're making it extremely hard."

The biker rested his chin on his folded arms and decided to watch his friend silently. This didn't last long. After ten minutes of silence, Owada decided to speak up. "Don't ya already study every day? Why're ya studying during lunch too?"

Ishimaru sighed, giving up on his studies for now. "I need to study harder around finals, otherwise, I won't do well on the test."

"Have ya at least taken a break?" Owada asked.

Ishimaru avoided eye contact with the other. "No, I haven't. There's not need to."

Owada suddenly became concerned again, knowing how his friend got when he was studying. "You mean to tell me for the past five days, ya haven't taken any sort of break? Have ya been sleeping?" Owada's face suddenly became a bit more concerned. "Have ya been eatin??"

The hall monitor sighed, looking up at his friend. "Yes, Mondo, I've been eating and sleeping." Ishimaru reassured Owada.

"C'mon, you need some sorta break, don't ya?"

Ishimaru sighed. "Mondo, as much as I want to, the finals are coming up. I promise I'll spend time with you after they're over."

"Alright, alright, I'll leave ya alone. But there's no gettin' out of hanging out with me next week." Owada picked his bag up and swung one strap over his shoulder. "See ya." he waved goodbye and walked out the door.

Ishimaru tried his best to go back to his studies.


The hall monitor took off his shoes and entered the house. He shouted an "I'm home" even though he knew no one was there. Once he got to his room, he dropped his notes on his desk and sat down. He attempted to continue his studies, but his thoughts were plauged with self hatred.

He hated how he'd snapped at his best friend like that. He hated how annoying he was. He hated how he'd lied to Owada. He had been eating less due to the hyperfocus on his studies. He hated this weird stupid longing feeling that wouldn't go away.

All his thoughts only caused tears to form in his eyes. He shot up from his chair, being stuck in his thoughts for too long wouldn't be good for him. He knew Owada wanted him to be okay, so he decided to do something he'd been neglecting to do. He walked to the kitchen to start on making a small dinner. Maybe he really did need that break.


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