A King without a Queen

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After a few days of torture,  Twilight then realized she had enough.
Blueblood loved her,  but she didn't love him. When he's busy,  Twilight plays with her so-called "daughter" Royal Rose. Everyday, she misses her REAL daughter and husband..

8:00 AM
Canterlot Cafe

"Good Morning, my Princess"
Blueblood greeted.

Twilight didn't reply.

"Aww,  what's the matter?  Aren't you happy with your new family?"
Blueblood said nuzzling her cheeks.

"You are not my family."

"Of course we are,  I'm your husband,  your my wife,  and Royal Rose is our daughter."

Twilight rolled her eyes in disagreement.

"Ma'am,  Sir,  here's your food."
A waiter said till he saw a familiar face.

*Wait.. Isn't that..Queen Twilight? What is she doing here? And who's this stallion?  She better not be cheating.* The Waiter thought.

"Ahem,  Uhh.. Enjoy."

The breakfast was pancakes with whipped cream, berries on the side,  and some orange juice.
Royal Rose just had apple juice and cereal.


Blueblood, Twilight, and Royal Rose were walking around Canterlot.

"My Princess,  are you alright? you're face has been down for the past few minutes. Are you mad with me?"
Blueblood asked.

"Of course I am! you took me from my REAL family!"

"But Darling,  I did it to save you from that thing!"

"It's not a "thing" Blueblood, 
He's my husband!"

"But I'm your husband now,  and will live with that."

"Question,  how in Celestia's name are you my husband?! I never said yes to a proposal nor wedding! I only had it as a nightmare!"

"You ask so many questions Princess,  that's why I love you."

"Stop.  Calling. Me.  Princess."

"Why's that?  I like calling you that.
I think this whole "ruler of equestria" thing is stuck on your head Twi."

"Don't. Call. Me that."


"Stop it."


"I hate you."

"I love you." (No pun intended)

        (Later in the Dark Castle)

"Dad?" Crystal asked walking in.

"Oh..hey Crystal.." Somb replied.

"I have a question; Where's Mommy?"

Somb froze for a few seconds,  remembering what happened.

"I.. I don't want to talk about it.."

"Why not? What happened to her?  IS SHE DEAD?!" Crystal panicked.

Crystal panicking made Somb's smile grew. 

*Sigh*"She.. She's been taken.."


"Somepony took her away from us.."

"She's been kidnapped?!"

"In other words, yes.."

"I want to have revenge,  but I reformed." 

"At least you're here.. I lost your Mother,  I'm not gonna lose you."
Somb said as he used his magic and put his daughter beside him.

         (Later in Canterlot)

Twilight,  Blueblood and Rose were having a nice picnic.

Blueblood leaned in and tried to kiss Twilight,  but failed since Twilight's hoof stopped him.

"I thought you love my kisses."
Blueblood said in a smirk expression.

"Cross my heart,  and hope to die"
Twilight said.


"I don't need another guy, to fight my battles, to overshadow me."

"Twilight, you're not making sens—"
Blueblood was cutted.

"Don't ya know I'm dangerous?"

"Dangerous for my heart?"
Blueblood smirked.

"Fire burnin' in my blood, I
got this handled, I don't need rescuin'"

"You can call me a princess all you like"

"I thought you hate it when I call you that Twi"

"Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side"

"But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you"

"Show me.. what?" Blueblood asked.

"How to treat me like a queen"
Twilight said as her thorn crown was once again in her head.
Her eyes were red, eye sockets green
and smoke was flowing thru her eyes.
(in other words,  the control thing xD)

"Boy, you better bow down on your knees" She said as he used her magic to forcefully make Blueblood and Rose kneel before her.

"Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?"

"so treat me like a queen"

"Boy, you better bow down on your knees"

"Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"

"Eyes on me like I'm a prize but you better recognize, I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to him."

"You can call me a princess all you like, Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side but that ain't what I want, I'ma show you I'ma show you"

"How to treat me like a queen!"

"Boy, you better bow down on your knees, Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?""

"So treat me like a queen!"

"Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"

"You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side, But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you

"How to treat me like a queen!"

"Boy, you better bow down on your knees, Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"

So treat me like a queen!"

Boy, you better bow down on your knees, Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"

                (To be Continued)

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