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When Ocha~Chan, Iida and I got back to the screening room I looked around and saw Kacchan Sulking in the corner room. I was gonna go talk to him until I suddenly felt very cold. I turned around to see what was happening only to see the entire building was covered in ice. "Wow, Todoroki's power is amazing!" I said to no one in particular. "Sh-Shoto my boy! That was great, but please unfreeze the building!" All Might said looking like he was about to freeze to death. Once Todoroki came back into the room, I may have forgotten my manners and ran up to him to ask a few... ok a lot of questions! "Todoroki that was amazing! To think you can use your ice power to that extent. Although why do you cover half your body in ice? Is it to regulate your temperature? Also if you were able to unfreeze the place does that mean you have a fire quirk? Can you only create ice or can you make it snow too? How strong is your ic- wahh!" Just as I was about to finish asking my questions when I felt a hand cover my mouth. I looked up to see Kacchan looking annoyed with me, but not in the usual angry annoyed way. "Stop that Deku!" "Wha- why?" I answered through his hand. "BECAUSE YOUR RAMBLING IS GIVING ME A FUCKING HEADACHE! PLUS WHO WANTS TO BE INTERROGATED BY A FUCKING DEKU!" And he's back.

After Iida and Uraraka saved me from nearly being murdered and Uraraka mumbling something about Kacchan being jealous, I walk back up to Todoroki to apologize. "I-I um- I'm" I inhaled getting red in the face from stuttering. I looked around quickly to make sure no one saw the embarrassment that is me, then finally I said. "Sorry for bombarding you with questions Todoroki. I just was curious because you're powers are really cool and you seem to- " I stopped myself I looked at Todoroki only to realize I was super close to his face and once again rambling, so much for apologizing. "Um- Srry I kinda did it again didn't I?" I said scratching the back of my head. "It's fine." He spoke under his breath forcing a smile on his face. "You know you don't have to fake a smile to me right? I would've been fine if you just told me the truth. Plus that forced smile was kinda creep-mphf!" Another hand went over my face. "Agh Sorry Todoroki Deku-Chan means well I swear!" Ocha-Chan said quickly. I was then unceremoniously dragged to the other side of the viewing room to be scolded by Iida and Ocha-Chan on manners. Todoroki was left to his thoughts slightly confused as to what just happened.

At the end of class everyone said they were gonna hang out in the classroom before going home. So when I came barging in like a maniac they were all a bit surprised. "WHERE IS HE?!?" I shouted out of breath. "Where is who?" Hagakure asked. "Where's Kacchan I need to talk to him!?" I said looking under the desks as if he would magically appear. "Dude do you have a death wish or something? Bakugou clearly doesn't like y- ow hey!" Kaminari said only to get smacked in the head by Asui. "I think he said he was gonna leave early?" Asui smiled as she spoke. "Thanks Asui Chan!" I shouted as I ran to the front gate to catch him. "Call me Tsu!"

"KACCHAN!" I screamed barreling towards my childhood friend. He stopped and turned around so I ended up slamming face first into his chest. "Hah- What do you want? Come to gloat about your damn victory?" Kacchan spoke in a softer tone than usual, causing me to look up at him. "What no I would never! I just um- I" I plopped my head back on his chest, getting embarrassed by my stuttering. We stayed like that for a few seconds I felt Kacchan tense before I finally spoke. "I didn't hide my power from you!" I looked Kacchan in his eyes so he could see there wasn't a hint of deceit in my eyes. "What I said during the battles. That was the truth. I knew I couldn't beat you." I admitted pushing off of Kacchan and looking at my hands before clenching them as I continued. "I will become a better hero than you, I'll work my butt off if I have to. But..." I looked Kacchan in the eyes again my face softening as I realized how angry I must've looked. "I won't and will never lie to you. Listen this power it was given to me. That's all I can tell you though." Just as I was about to leave Kacchan grabbed my hand. I turned around, he looked angry, confused and embarrassed? He was about to speak when- "MIDORIYA!" "DEKU CHAN!" Iida and Ocha Chan said in unison. Kacchan quickly let go of my hand and walked off. I could've sworn I heard a few groans in the distance. I was about to chase after him, but Ocha-Chan tackled me.

    "You scared me! I thought he was gonna kill you!" She said sticking her tongue out in his direction. "He would never!" I defended only for Ocha Chan to give me a look. She continued "Well that may be true now, but what if he snatches my best friend away from me!" I started crying at that. "Y-you you think I'm your best friend?!" I asked in between sobs. "Of course I do!" Ocha Chan gasped in surprise. "AS DO I MIDORIYA!" Iida quickly added. "Thank you so much!" I replied with a soft smile. "Too bright" the two said as they hugged me. We walked out of the school gates together. I was happy cause not only did I have two great best friends, but I finally confronted my old one.

"So um- we're gonna spy on them right?" Mina said hopping on the window sill. "Definitely!" Toruu said doing a cute pose. "Are you guys not worried for poor Midoriya's safety?" Shouji asked staring as Midoriya ran towards Bakugou. "No I don't think we should. Did you see the way Bakugou looked at Midoriya as he carrried him to the nurse?" Tsuyu asked. "Oh right. He kinda carried Midoriya like a princess!" Momo added. "Guys you might wanna pay attention Midoriya just rammed into him." Jirou said calmly. Uh-oh the entire class thought in unison. "Wow Midoriya isn't even slightly scared of him! How manly!" Kirishima cried as he wiped a small manly tear from his eye. "Wow that guy must have a death wish. He just plopped his head back onto Bakugou's chest!" Denki whispered biting his nails in anticipation. 

"What's happening?" Ochako asked as she strolled into the room. "Oh we're just watching budding romance between Midoriya and Bakugou!" Toruu said doing a little shake. "WHAT?! THAT JERK IS NOT ALLOWED TO STEAL HER AWAY FROM ME!" Ochako booked it down the hall, Iida scolding her while running himself. "Budding romance my butt!" Sero teased. "I'm not sure if that's that far off look." Tokoyami pointed out. "Why is he red in the face? I knew that guy was ga- oof" Mineta said only to be smacked by Tsuyu. "Oh no Midoriya is walking off!" Aoyama said while shaking poor Koji in frustration. "Oh look Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's hand!" Sato said getting all giddy. "Wow he looks super embarrassed!" Ojiro said on the edge of his tail. Then he let go. "Nooooooo OCHAKO WHYYY?!?" the girls shouted. Some of the guys groaned while others shrugged a little embarrassed that they got so invested.

"GO HOME!" Aizawa shouted. "Yes sir!" The class said scattering like mice.

•Sorry about this super late chapter. I got sick and then after that homecoming was upon us and I had to work on pep rally decorations. Anyways that little bonus part was something I thought I could quickly do since I haven't shown much of the rest of the class. I'm not sure how often I can push out updates but I'll try. I hope you all enjoy reading this fem Deku story. Anyways byeeee•

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