Chapter 2

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(Wanda PoV)

Maybe I am mad...insane, crazy...I don't know if I would know if I was. I just miss him, so much~ it's like my brother all over again. I promised myself I wouldn't let myself get so emotional after Pietro died, I realise now, that that was a lie.

Clint had refused to support me. I felt alone. Alone, for the first time in so so long...I couldn't go to the others, they had their happy endings and even if they didn't, they weren't going to chance it to get their pain back. It had been a year, after all.

Standing, I went to the window of my hotel room and looked out, opening the window to hang my head outside. I could feel the breeze on my face, as it ruffled my long ginger locks, passing cold hair through and on to my otherwise bare neck.

Coming back into the room, I glanced to the chair in the corner, seeing my old red shawl draped against the backrest. I reached for it, pulling it on. Instantly, I felt like I was back in Sokovia, with Pietro...and then back in Scotland with Vision. I couldn't bare this, I had to try something.

Keeping the shawl around me, I closed the window to~ and went to the bed, sitting cross-legged in the centre. "Viz..." I whispered, as I concentrated a ball of red sparks and magic in between my hands, in front of me. I was forming a more powerful than I had before. I was concentrating on Viz and Pietro. On my losses. My grievances. What I would to have them back in my life.

Viz... I love you, come back to me...

I felt that this was making the magic between my hands stronger, creating a stronger hex~ I concentrated what I wanted to see in a new reality, that I wanted to be with Vision, as we had lived a quiet...almost in Scotland.

I gasped, feeling the strength of power in my hands. It was growing. I had to focus all of my mind, in order to keep control~ my mind was drifting from what I wanted. was killing me. Killing...I was dying...

All of a sudden, I screamed out, involuntarily, but I tried my best to refocus my mind and keep the hex in control. If I let go now, it could be disastrous. The room was filled, as red sparks were flying around me, growing brighter and whiter with every thought and concentration. Soon, I could barely see three feet in front of me.

I heard the door of the hotel room slam open, and a voice. "Wanda! Don't do this!" I heard a voice say, it was Clint, "It's power you can't control!"

I couldn't see him, for between us was bright light, obscuring him from me and me from him. "I have to! For Viz...for Pietro...for Nat, for Tony!" I yelled back, "I have to try!"

"But not like this! You're killing yourself!"


The light engulfed us all, turning the room completely white and I could feel the hex take effect, fading from my control. I had done what I could do. I didn't even know if it worked. I felt myself fall back against the bed, falling unconscious, but just before the collision, I felt someone's arms catch me and whisper something in my ear:

"What have you done...?"

Created life, I hoped. Brought back Vision, at least~ in a new reality, I hoped.


I awoke what felt like a few hours later, but it felt different. I was...I was in a different room, a different house. Next to me was a bedside table with a wireless fixed upon it Happy 1954, listeners! I could hear on from the radio.

1954? Had it worked? I pulled the duvet off of me, realising the nightgown I was dressed in and edged out of the bedroom, into a living room.

A man was there. A long face, white-skinned, wearing a yellow shirt, red tie and green cardigan. I had my suspicions of who it was and I couldn't help but feel a little happy. What I had done...I think it had worked. The man was sat on the settee in the centre of the room, watching the television. Though it wasn't like a television that I had had in my room in the Compound. It was rather large and rather boxy in shape~ not like the small flatscreen I had owned. A news report was blaring from the screen.
We are finally on our way in combatting the Polio disease...children across the country are receiving their first vaccination for the disease today!
It was only then that I was noticing an ominous red glow from the television~ light wasn't seen on the scene of the news report at all. Was this all my doing? Did I create a reality in the 1950s? Was the man really Viz?

Closing the bedroom door, ever so slightly, behind me, it made a click, as the door met the doorframe. The man turned and now I saw it was Vision's human form. I gasped, smiling a little. I had worked. I had brought Vision back. "Hey you," was all I could say.

"Good morning, Wanda~" he said to me with a smile, "I trust you slept well? You're smiling."
"Oh, I'm just happy to see you again," I said with a chuckle,
"See me again? You saw me only yesterday! We live together, we have since '48," he replied, clearly shocked by my reply,
"Yes, are you okay, my love?" He asked me, as he stood from where he was sitting and started to come over to me. He glanced down at me, placing a hand against my arm and stroking it with his thumb, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, amazing..." I replied with a nod and a smile. I pulled him into a hug, embracing him, as if I had been deprived of his touch while he was dead.
"I-I don't know what this is for but it's...good?" He replied, with confusion in his voice, "Wanda~ you saw me yesterday, what's brought this on?"
"I-I don't know...I just...I love you, Viz."
"Well, I love you~ but I guess that's a given for a couple to love each other," he said, calmly, "When they're married." He chuckled.

Married?! It happened? I know he proposed in Scotland but I didn't realise I was making a reality where marriage had already happened. I glanced down at our hands, and sure enough there were wedding rings on each of our left ring fingers, with an added jewelled ring on my own. The engagement ring, I recognised that one.

"I suppose so..." I replied, "But I do like to say the three words sometimes..."
"As do I..." he said, as he pulled me closer to him, brushing my red hair out of my face and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me. I kissed him back, holding his cheeks in my hands before releasing him again. We both smiled to each other.

A smile, and that was how it all began~ just that... a smile.

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