Chapter 5

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(Wanda PoV)

The rest of Halloween night had been spent together on the couch. We had never thought that we would be disturbed...

The doorbell rang. I shrugged and stood up from where we were sat - still wearing my red tea dress with the stylistic '50s pinafore apron against my skirt. Opening the door, I saw a stranger. An old man - no, he was young, but he had no hair and he was in a wheelchair. "Ms Maximoff?" He asked me, "It is you, isn't it? Ms Wanda Maximoff?" Confused, I simply nodded, "Yes... I'm sorry- do I know you?"

"Yes... well, kind of- in another reality you do," he told me, "May I come in?" I gave a small nod, moving aside so that he could wheel his chair into the room. He glanced towards Vision, giving him a friendly nod before turning back to me, as I closed the door with a significant click.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he said, holding out a hand for me to shake, "My name is Charles Xavier, headmaster of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and founder of the X-Men." I shook his hand but I needed answers,
"What's that got to do with me?" I asked, still confused,
"Well, Ms Maximoff, you are disrupting the Multiverse."

"M-Multiverse? How am I disrupting the Multiverse? It's 1954!"
"No, it's not. You have made it to be 1954- really, it is 2024 and you have created this reality to bring your husband back from the dead- you need to stop it. You need to end it." He told me, firmly, "End it."
"What?! This is our life- I have lived with Vision for six years. I have been married for two. This is real!" I replied, in protest. I glanced towards Vision, who was behind the man who called himself Xavier.

"Wanda Maximoff- this is fake. This is a product of your new reality altering powers. You must put a stop to this, or else put the Multiverse in eternal damnation," he said, calm but firm, "Do you want Vision to die?"

"No!" I screamed in Xavier's face, "Why would I want him dead?! This place is peaceful! Let it stay this way!"
"Wanda, it can't stay peaceful if you keep this up... you had a dream of this occurance, once, didn't you? A long time ago?"

I thought to myself, moving away from the man, remembering my dream that foreshadowed Vision's death. But that was the Compound... not here... it can't have been real. Though... that man- the man in the wheelchair... he didn't introduce himself then but it was the same man, now that I remembered. "Th-That was you?"

"Miss Maximoff, this was your doing- all you," I heard a voice from behind me but I didn't recognise the voice. I slowly took my hands away from my face and turned to face where the voice had come from, "This is your fate... your future, your destiny... you will unleash a power unknown to all of your friends and when they come to help you, it will be too much..."
"No! Stop..." I moaned, covering my ears, "I don't kill Vision, I love him..."
"You don't unintentionally but this is what awaits you... unless you can learn to control your vastly improving range of powers, you will meet this future..."

"Yes, that was me- I had hoped in making this reality stop by warning you of killing your beloved... I made you see what your future could be if you dabble in hexes and alternate realities. I showed you what would happen if you embrace the witch you really are, inside."

Witch I am inside? "What do you mean by that?"
"Wanda, you are a being of extraordinary power... much like your mother... you contain the power to disrupt reality itself and change and control it to fit what you wish."
"My mother was a Romany woman named Marya... she was not like this- like what I am, I got my abilities from experiments...!"
"No... you had the gene- the experiments unlocked the power, your mother was the original Scarlet Witch and now that is you..."

I saw Vision stand and approach me, "You're distressing her with these stories..." he said, calmly as he held me close to him. I liked the comfort of his arms, as I could hold him and hopefully hold back any sting of tears that I felt.

"Wanda... end this and the reality will readjust itself accordingly, do nothing and you will damn all of existence."
"No.... no~" I muttered, against Viz's chest, "I won't kill my love... you're lying to me..."
"Your mother is the witch, Natalya Maximoff and your father... well, he is named Erik Lensherr- my friend,

I was shaking my head, viciously, hardly able to believe that my parents were superpowered and that the witch I was... was linked to my mother's powers...

"Vision is real... I can hold him, touch him..." I said, in protest,
"Yes, and bear his children if I'm not mistaken."

That made me look up. I was confused, as I looked between Xavier and Viz. "children?"
"Yes- did you not wonder why you had not received your period this month?"
"I-I just assumed I was late..."
"Wanda- I can sense a being of incredible power, between you and Vision, growing inside you- end this reality, you can keep the baby with your control over your abilities but Vision will continue to be dead, as he is in the true reality..."

"Wanda, if this is true, maybe you should end this- as much as I love spending time with you, perhaps we should put the Multiverse before our own happiness, if I am dead, it was a pleasure to spend this much extra time with you..."
"No... I won't let you die!"
"Wanda... I love you."
"And I you!" I exclaimed, holding his hands in mine, as I went up on to my tip toes to press my lips against his and kiss him. I felt him kiss me back and I hoped this would not be a goodbye kiss.

"Wait!" I said, pulling away, "If I made this before... I could make it a pocket reality- so it doesn't affect the real world.. then I can stay with Vision!"
"Wanda..." Xavier said, quietly, "There is no other way..."
"No! This is real! I will make sure if it!"
"Ms Maximoff! Put the reality back to how it was!"
"No!!" I screamed, keeping Viz close to me, as tears streamed down my face,

I blast of red chaos magic erupted from myself with my exclamation, as I was left panting against the ground, Xavier had been knocked out his chair and thrown across the room and Viz was a little way away from me. "Viz..." I said, weakly, "Come to me..." I steadily pushed myself towards him, meeting him with a kiss and an embrace.

"Ms Maximoff- don't be the witch they already fear you to be..." I heard Xavier say, as he pushed himself into his wheelchair and moved over to us, "I will act as a friend and mentor to you- come to me at the X-Mansion..." he said, as he handed me a business card with his name, phone number and address on it, "I'll be waiting."

I was just left in the room, against the floor, with Vision's arms around me. I didn't want to move. I couldn't even if I wanted to - tears were streaming down my face...

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