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Five years later...
Miami, FL
Sunday, June 4, 2028

Chaos had ridden over the streets of Miami, as citizens of the city were burning drugs to the ground. It was a riotous frenzy, as many civilians were revolting, destroying packets of heroin and cocaine, supplied by the Purple Sword drug cartel. As many were doing so, police and armed forces also joined the fight.

"Everyone in sync?" said Col. Brian Alexander Fischer, call-signed "Lucas".

"Hoo-ah!" shouted the now Capt. Michaela Delia Webb, call-signed "Auburn".

"Wilco!" hollered 1LT. Laura Ramona Hernandez, call-signed "Meadows".

"Roger that, colonel!" yelled Maj. Nicholas Robert Stiller, call-signed "Hunter".

"Alright, then! We must not forget Spade, Nebula, Beast, and Shovel." Lucas told them. "They served our country well, before they retired and Shovel gave his life back in 2025, to save us."

"It's been three years now, hard to believe he died protecting us as well as his country." Auburn added. "But, remember he died a hero."

"Always!" said Lucas. "And at least as a brigadier general too!"

"I'll miss Spade the most." Meadows said. "She's now with her family but was a good woman."

"She's retired now, and she's earned her retirement." Hunter declared. "We'll one day earn ours. This is Lucas' last mission; we'll make it count!"

"Well, at least I'm already rich!" said Lucas. "Y'all eventually will do well without me, with Hunter as the new leader."

"Hoo-ah!" said all of them.

It was true, Meadows and Auburn eventually continued their education, finishing it. Then eventually became commissioned officers. Spade only retired as she found living with her family to be enjoyable and see her kids grow up. Nebula eventually retired too, after being a lieutenant general, same rank as Beast. Lucas, being his one last mission, was hoping to return to his family. Now having an almost five-year old daughter named, Diane; he knew his journey was to be filled with happiness in the future. All was well, and they knew after this it'd only get better and better. They also were happy that they hadn't been replaced, with robots, yet!

This was an Apple Loving Individual romance, for the planet, and all its great inhabitants as well as all five branches of the American armed forces!



Tom Clancy's DARK ABYSS - an Apple Loving Individual romanceWhere stories live. Discover now