If you are feeling down and you are reading this well I just want to tell you you are amazing!
and you are beautiful on the inside and out no matter what!
who cares what people say and who cares what people think you are so amazing wonderful and completely awesome in your own wonderful way!
who cares if you're probably non-binary both genders girl or boy transgender boy transgender girl you are amazing!
and I promise this world does except you who cares what other people think (trust me I know they're assholes they deserve to burn in a hole full of poo poo okay?!) And I love you for who you are and you want to know something?
life is s*** sometimes and we all know it! but we can help it by being amazing ourselves!
And I don't know what else to say here besides you are beautiful! 💖
Now I got to go it's 3:51 in the morning and I should be asleep now shouldn't I? (But Sleep is for the weak!)
See you later everybody bye bye for now!💖😸