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It had been a month since Alexa passed. They hadn't dated long, but after knowing and talking to each other for a year, he knew that he loved her. He was devastated when Natalia told him that she passed away.

He didn't eat for two weeks, just laid in his room and cry and pout that his love was gone. At her funeral, he said a few words, explaining how much he loved her and how much she meant to him. He even stopped uploading, but posted a short, two minute video explaining the situation and that he was taking a break.

He didn't know how long the break would last, no one did.. but what he did know, is that he had all of his real friends to help him cope with the loss of his love.

That's it! I know it was short, and that you guys probably won't like it, but let me know if you guys want a sequel. I may have a few tricks under my sleeve.

Happy Reading, and thank you for reading Real Friends.

I love you all,

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