The Veil Of Oblivion💜

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Those mysterious eyes have lost the spark in them,
The lips which were once so enthusiastic have begun to hide dark secrets;
The bright toothy smile has lost its way somewhere in her frown,
Something untold has let her down.

The pink blush of her cheeks has faded,
In her heart lies a demon she dreaded;
Cries of her soul only she could hear ,
A sorrow she could neither tell nor bear.

A truth she concealed down deep,
Made her pillow wet , all night weep;
Crushing her soul from within,
An abyss of despair did set in.

Scribbling as her tears rolled down with a blink,
Letting out her agony in the flow of ink;
Her pot of pain filled till the brink,
But she neither wanted to swim nor sink.

Hey guys ! First of all apologies to all my readers . I know I have been inactive since long actually I was trapped in the web of studies . So my dear creative minds .. do read poem and let me know how it was ?
PS: It's written by me.

And yes Second part will be coming soon ;)

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