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- Previously -

"You okay baby?"
Wonho asked concern. I nodded and fake a smile. It was obvious his mom doesnt like me already and I feel like leaving everyone and just maybe, maybe its better to be a prostitute rather than get caught up with this mess. I feel so weak, I can't even stand up for myself. What a dissapointment.

- Now -

"Hey what are you thinking of love"
Wonho said as he caught me day dreaming on my own thoughts and softly brought my chin to meet his face. I faked a crooked smile and shook my head.


"stop loving doving and come to dining table everyone's here"
Wonho's mom interrupted obviously she wanted to try to sound funny but turns out to be sarcastic instead.

We went to seat at the dining table and Wonho's brother and father is there.
"Hello! whats your name"
Wonho's dad said to me and acknowledging my existence.
"its [y/n] sir"
I said in delight and gave him a small smile.
"Sir? No no you could call me dad, afterall i heared from Wonho he's marrying you right?"
his face lit up while looking at the both of us.
"Married? why am i not told about this"
Wonho mom asked. She sound really agitated.
"Before marrying someone you barely know for a few days how about I ask a few questions to know more about you"
she said again before making a very hatred eyecontact with me.
"I- ah"
"Mom. Stop with this uncomfortable situation"
Wonho burst out of anger and stood up from his seat.
" I actually found a suitable women for you. And what I heared from your brother this women is a prostitute! The next thing you knew maybe she will wipe clean your bank!"
she yelled her assumptions out. It was obvious Wonho was super angry by her statement as it was all shown from his facial expression. I got up from my seat and bowed as I apologise for the mess cause.
" Thank you for dinner. I'm sorry all of of this mess I pro- "
Before i manage to end my sentences Wonho cut me off.
"No. Whatever happens I'm going to marry her and i dont care if you guys like it or not. I truly love this women the way she is"
Wonho manage to say sternly before grabbing my wrist and left the house. Without realising tears were rolling down my cheeks and I tried my hardest not to breakdown as I quickly wipe away those tears.
We went inside the car and Wonho drive the car immediately. It was a good 5 minutes silent before Wonho manage to talk. He was really mixed of angry and dissapointment at the fact that his mother has to react that way infront of me.

"Love... you okay?"
he manage to speak while still concentrating on the road. I don't know what kind of response to give him I just feel so uncomfortable all of a sudden. Half of me just wants to leave. Can you believe that I just got humiliated by my own future husband mother just like that. No chance was given and she did not even bother to get to know more about me. I feel my dignity was injured infront of Wonho's family.
I just wouldnt want because of me he and his family relationship is ruined furthermore his mom is right, im just a prostitute and nothing more. I dont deserve all of this help and love from Wonho.

I took a deep breath and faked a crooked smile again.
"Everything's alright"
I said quickly. I didnt want to make it obvious that i was hurting inside. It breaks me just to hold all my emotions in. I am just unsure how much longer i could bare to be in this kind of situation where Im always hopeless.

Wonho nodded bluntly with a hint of annoyed expression and before we knew it we arrived at our own mansion.

"You know baby."
he turned off the engine of the car and looked at me.
"I hate liars"
he sternly said before making a very sharp eyecontact. I was hesitant to make the eyecontact and was scared by his aura out of the sudden. He's so intense suddenly.
I gulped not managing to say anything to him. I looked away feeling afraid that if I tell him that I want to leave I might hurt him. I appreciate for the fact that he is being a great partner, really, he's good looking , caring , understanding and everything else that you could ask for in a boyfriend but its just that maybe we are not meant to be together.

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