Mystery Arm Disease

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As you know, or probably, or don't, I don't know who reads this mess.

On the 5th of August I had carpel tunnel, cubital tunnel, tennis elbow and pin release surgeries on my dominant arm.

Sadly as of a three-four weeks ago I've now started getting the pains back, not only are they back but they are back with a vengeance; having spread from my elbow to my shoulder, shoulder blade and the back of my neck.
I can barely pick up my iPhone 6s and type, so I'm back to left hand typing.
I'm having attacks again, yesterday having one for an hour before it fully subsided.

They have put it down to the healing process and if it persists till Christmas I'm going for an MRI as they think it's sourced from my brain.

So yeah.. all hopes and dreams of drawing are well and truly out the window along with grades.


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