Jack and Corbyn were so lost, they didn't understand anything.
Zach was crying, but hiding it. What if he lost one of his last bestfriend?
Jonah understood Daniel's reaction and knew he had to say something for him.
Daniel was scarred, but the other part of him took care of the situation. His paternal, familial self.
"Look," Jonah start. "I don't understand what's going on, but I think we can all agree it's wrong. Why can I hinting my relationship, and why can the other say when they are in relationships, everyone exept Daniel?"
Kevin seems to think a little bit. "Because your fans know you are all taken, well exept Zach and Daniel. So that make them think that they could have a chance with them and they stay fans."
Than Corbyn decided to speak.
"But that don't matter. I still have fans that loves me and my relationship."
"It don't work like that." Answer the manager.
"I could say the same for me, Gabbie and Lavender." Say Jack.
"Boys it's okay." Say Daniel. "I'm sorry, but I just need a break. And this time I won't take a break from my family like you make me always do, because i won't do that anymore. Why can you do your job and be with your family and why can't I? It's not fair and i don't care about your saying anymore."
Daniel start to walk to the front door.
"And you know what, you made me lie about everything to everyone but today it's all ending. Kick me out i don't care. And i'm so so sorry boys to say that but I can't take this flight home again not knowing when i'm going to be back to them. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that he closed the door.
The boys were speechless. What have just happended.
"Jack don't take anything wrong about what am going to say." Start Jonah, he turn to see Jack nodd. "But it's not fair. We are five guys in this band. We all have a future with a family and the fans are supposed to know that.
I don't understant why Jack can go at home everynight after studio, to see his daughter and girlfriend and why Daniel can't. His daughter need him."
After that, everything was out.
The day after, Daniel was smilling at his daughter eating her birthday cake. It was a couple of hours before his flight, which he decided not to take.
He was tired of secrets and he knew people couldn't call him from United States so he decide to take a picture and post it. His girlfriend was happy with him.
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Liked by annaseavey, jonahmarais and +1 million others
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@Seaveydaniel Today is a special day. A year ago already, my love, Olivia or my little Ray like I love to call her, gave birth to our daughter Alayah Rose Seavey. I'm so happy, they are the one thing I need. That's what I understood once i was back home with them again. I can't go back in Los Angeles, not knowing when i will be back.
I want to be there with my girls. Last time I left, she was only ten month old, saying her first words. Now she is one year old trying to walk. I feel like I missed a lot of thing and I want to be there. I need to be there.
As I write this, only three or four persons know about Alayah. It's not that we wanted to keep her a secret. The thruth is if i had told you before, i would have been kick out of the band. Not by the guys, but by the management and i will surely be in trouble for saying this.
But being back here in Canada make me realize that i could always do more music or be in another band, but i could never have another family like mine.
I'm not saying I don't want to be in the band anymore. Not at all. But i'm not the one making decisions. And i can promise everyone i won't stay away from them again like i did.
I'm sorry for everything and I hope you can all understand.
Daniel, Olivia and Alayah
@whydontwemusic We're so proud of you! We love you and support you with everything. We hope to meet them soon! -Ja, Jo, Za and Co. <3
@gabbieegonzales Awnn she's so cute 😍 The girls will be best friends i'm sure!
@Keriseavey Bring them in L.A soon. I love you!!
@fan15 Management sucks. Hope you stay in the band.