Part 7

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Zach couldn't believe it. He had done it again. It as been years since the last time and now, he had relapsed.

But he denied it. Like he was denying his hungry stomach, screaming from hunger. He finally was happy and everything was right.

So why did that all have to fall out again?

Because of me. He thought.

The hate was at the maximum. People telling him to make some pounds quit his fat body, or making him go out of the band. A couple of them even told him to quit living.

If only they knew.

Some of his friends refused to talk to him. People who used to be proud of him was now disgusted in him. For why? A simple lie.

I can't anymore.


Jonah was talking to his girlfriend Tate in a video call while Jack and Eben was already asleep. He tried too, but couldn't.

"Jo, i'm sure he will tell you soon. Don't get too work out by all of this. I love you, you need some sleep."

A couple second later and a little more talking she hung up. He wondered where was Daniel right now.

Probably with that girl. He thought

He didn't have say a thing about Daniels' personnal things, but talk a little blurry about the situation.

But who was she? And why did his bestfriend never talked to him about her? They were supposed to share everything thogether.

If only he knew.

He got up from the bed to go sit on th little balcony they had. But while walking he saw something on the floor he didn't noticed before.

A notebook...



Alayah asleep in his arms, Daniel was listening to the movie in front of them. Or at least he tried. His thought were taken by his fears.

When will he saw them again?

What if Alayah learn something new and he would missed it?

What if something happen to them?

He didn't want to leave.


The book was open, facing the ground. Jonah knew better than read Daniel's diary. The poor book fell when the guy hurried at the door the first night.

He knew how that book was important to Daniel. Anytime someone would enter the room, he would closed and locked it immediatly.

So as a good friend, he took it, not wanting to see anything, but just as the diary closed, something fell out of it.

A picture.

He took it and that's when he realised some things haven't been said.

Him, a girl and a baby.

He turned the picture to see Daniel's writing.

"You, your mommy and daddy on May 18, 2019. You said your first word; "dadda" I love you and your mom so much <3"

Wide eyed, mouth open, he promised himself to talk with Daniel soon enough.

He remember saying that to himself before but didn't remember what

Who he needed to talk to?

It probably wasn't even important.

Oh was he wrong.


The next morning Daniel woke up happy, yet sad. This was his last complete day with his family before going back into his "life". He didn't knew how to feel about it.

Tomorrow was his little girl first birthday and he wanted so bad to be with her. But instead they would be celebrating today, which was okay. He has an interview, but it was supposed to be fast so he could go back there again.

Once he was prepared, he got at the hotel, were everyone was ready. He got a glance from his manager, Kevin and something about the older and the youngest were off.

But he just went with it.

They all got in a van and got there pretty quick. Soon enough the interview start. Little did he know that would change everything.

Words: 637

Published: September 29, 2019

R~A~Y // Daniel Seavey (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now