2. The cat that appeared out of nowhere

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I woke up the next morning to find out that it was just past one o'clock in the morning. Tossing and turning around in bed, I attempted to drift back into the world of dreams. Outside, I could hear the sounds of nightlife around me. Every now and then, I would hear the sound of a car or a chariot driving by, adding in to the sounds of the night. About thirty minutes later, I finally gave up on going to sleep. Walking over to the study table, I picked up the picture that I had drawn earlier, wishing that I could have a friend. I had been homeschooled by Ms Fernsby since I was young. Learning art, piano, English, Japanese, Math, Science, Literature and many other subjects from her. Although it had been nice not having to travel all the way to school every morning, it meant that I wouldn't have a friend, and I never had a single one my entire life.

What must it be like? To have a friend?

I may have read many books about friendships, how magical it could be. However, I had never experienced it in my entire life. I didn't even have a pet, my father claiming that it'll mess up my mind and fill it with nonsense.

Although I had never met my father, I knew quite a lot about him from the stories that mom would tell me. About how he was a hardworking guy that loved nothing more than his wife and focusing on his work.

Due to that, I was wondering how my parents had gotten into a relationship in the first place.

Right then, I wished that I could have someone beside me, someone that could talk to. It really was quite lonely, sitting on your own in the wee hours of the morning. I felt somewhat empty inside as I closed my eyes, imagining how much fun having a friend must be.

It was then when I felt a strange warmth within myself. Sensing a bright light around me, I opened my eyes slowly to see a pool of light in front of me. The light seemed to be alive, twirling and winding around itself as it took on the weird shape of a creature with pointy ears and some kind of wings.

I gazed up in awe as the light subsided, leaving a dark blue cat in its place. I gasped as I realized what the creature looked like.


The creature opened its eyes slowly, looking around in confusion before finally spotting me.

"Hello? I guess?"

"It speaks!" I backed up a little, even though I felt surprisingly unafraid of the weird cat. Waves of curiosity washed over me as I looked up at the bundle of dark blue fur. "Who are you?"

"I..." the creature's eyes seemed to widen in some sort of realization. "I don't know..." it flew down slowly, landing in my outstretched hands.

"Where am I?"

"You're in London." I answered slowly, hoping not to startle the creature too much.

"London? What's a London?"

"It's a place. The capital of England."


The poor creature seemed to be utterly confused.

"Who are you anyway?" It questioned, flattening one of its ears while the other perked up with interest.

"My name is Eriol." I answered the creature. "What's yours?"

"Well... I don't seem to have one... I don't even know what I am..." the creature looked at itself, flapping his wings a little as though it was testing them out.

"What about I name you... Mary?"

"Mary? I'm a male..."

"Oops. Sorry." I scratched my head a little.

"What about Tom? Wait... that doesn't match. Sunny? Beta? Peter? No... they all don't match..." it was then when I noticed the curl in its tail.

Its just like how I drew it...

Twisted into a spiral.

A spiral? That's it!

"Well, your tail is twisted, just like a spiral. What about the name Spinel? It sounds similar to spiral but has a more unique twist to it. Besides, it happens to also be a kind of mineral.

"Spinel? That's fine by me. By the way, would you be my owner, Master Eriol? I don't exactly know where I came from, but something tells me that I could trust you." Spinel flew onto my pillow, curling up on it.

"It would be my pleasure." I answered, smiling at my newfound friend. It felt nice to finally have someone whom I could talk to. Someone that wasn't my mother. Still, I wondered what made the little creature appear so suddenly in my room.

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