You were lying in your bed and couldn't sleep, you were nervous before your first day at new workplace.
You looked at your phone.
„Crap, it's already 3a.m. and I have to get u pat seven..." – you sighed.
Suddenly you heard your phone beeping. Who the hell is texting you in the middle of the night?! You looked at your phone again frustrated.
"Hey, Y/N. Are you awake?"You were angry right now, because you tried do hard to fall asleep and now someone was disturbing you.
"I will just ignore it..." - you thought, but then a new message popped on the screen
"It's Jungkook, BTW"A big smile appeared on your lips and all your anger immediately disappeared. You just can't be mad at this guy.
"Jungkook! Yes, I'm still awake, I can't sleep. Tomorrow is my first day at work, I'm so nervous..."JUNGKOOK
"You will be just fine. I believe in you."You smiled to yourself. He's cute.
"Are you free on Saturday?"YOU
"Yes, why?"JUNGKOOK
"Wanna see our concert? I have some extra tickets."YOU
"Awesome :) We can meet at the backstage after the concert. I'll send you more details later."You've heard that BTS concerts were pretty amazing, so you thought it will be fun to go there and see all of it. Besides, it's a good opportuinty to see Jungkook on the stage for the first time.
"Thank you Kookie! I'm going to sleep now. Good night!"JUNGKOOK
"Goodnight, Y/N..."
Your new workplace was pretty cool. You had to learn some new things, but everyone was very polite and helpful towards you.
You were texting with Jungkook a lot everyday. It was the only thing that kept you in a very good mood.
Jungkook just got back to his dorm from his dance practice. The first thing he was doing after that was checking his phone to see if there are some messages from you.
???: "Who is she?" - he heard a familiar voice. It was Taehyung.
JUNGKOOK: "W-what?" - he asked a little bit surprised.
Taehyung smile widely.
TAEHYUNG: "You're texting someone all the time. Seeing your smiling face, I'm pretty sure it's a girl."
Jungkook looked down and a small smile appeared on his face.
JUNGKOOK: "Well... Do you remember when I told you about Y/N noona?"
Taehyung's eyes widened.
TAEHYUNG: "Is she back...?
Jungkook nodded.
TAEHYUNG: "Have you told her that you love her?"
JUNGKOOK: "No... I don't know how... I don't even thing she loves me back..."

Romance"Noona" BTS Jungkook - FF I put on youtube in 2016-2017. I'm not a native speaker, so I'm sorry for any mistakes I've made. Enjoy reading!