Chapter 24

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2 days till wedding

I felt a lot calmer than I did days before, which is crazy considering I'm get married in 2 days. This afternoon we're having a big dinner with my family and Seth's family.

This is the first time my parents are meeting his family.

We got so caught up with other things that we didn't even introduce them. I tied the dress in the back and looked at myself in the mirror.

The dress was black with white little flowers. It was a deep v-neck and it's a wrap style dress.

"You look beautiful," Seth mumbles from behind me. I turn to face him. He's in sweats still and had chocolate stains on his clothes... well I hope it was chocolate.

"I wish I could say the same," I say teasingly. He pouts and shrugs his shoulders.

"Aiden and I made brownies earlier," he says. I watch him closely as he pulls off his shirt exposing his very defined stomach and nice muscles.

He went in the closet and put the shirt in the basket. He came back and stood in front of me.

"I think- I think I'm gonna go downstairs and wait," I say awkwardly gawking at him. He smirks and nods. He has that mischievous look in his eyes.

I exit quickly and wonder downstairs. Scarlett sat with Aiden in her lap as she wiped his face. He was dressed in a navy blue bouton down shirt with Khaki pants. His mom was dressed similar in a navy blue dress that hugged her body in a good way.

"You look great," I say to Scarlett as she fixes Aiden's hair.
"Thank you, you look absolutely beautiful as well."

I smile and enter the kitchen. Those brownies smell so good. But I can't, I cant eat them now.

"Well look at you, you look great."

I snap around and face Brett and Natalia. I walk to them and engulf them in a big hug. "I'm so happy to see you both."

They smiled at me and we started talking. They both took a quick trip to Sicily to visit their father. He came back with them but he's not here currently.

"Are you ready? For your big day," Brett asked me.

I wicked smile was placed on my lips and I couldn't help but blush.

"I'm very much ready," I mumble feeling my face get even more red.


"My baby! I can't believe your getting married in 2 days! You won't be my little girl anymore," My mom says dramatically taking my hand in hers.

"Mom, your embarrassing." I sigh sinking in my seat. My dad laughing at the scene. He and Seth had a rocky start but overall they get along pretty well.

The waiter asked us for drinks and Seth's father still hasn't showed. He called and said he'll be a little late.

"So Seth tells me your going to Korea for your honeymoon?," My mom asks changing subjects.

"Yes ma'am. We're going to Seoul then we'll probably head to Itaewon. We'll only be gone for about a week."

Itaewon is where I was born. My mom's family lives there. My parents slightly froze but eventually got over it. They nodded and smiled.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," a deep voice with a heavy accent says from behind. I stand to greet Mateo and so does everyone else. "It's great to see you again," I say brightly giving Mateo a hug.

"Anch'io!" He says happily. "It's good to see you father," Seth says shaking his dad's hand.

I introduced my parents to him and they really hit off. They told stories about Seth and I. I liked to listen to the stories that Mateo told about his son. They were sweet.

I feel happy. This is the most content I have ever felt in my life. I'm not stressed, worried, or afraid. I feel as if the world is on my side.

I know this relationship that Seth and I have is weird. It's strange and impulsive But, I can't imagine it any other way.

From the way we met, the way he first treated me, and the way I treated him, the way I fell for him; and the way he fell for me. I wouldn't change any of this for the world.

I always wanted a happy storybook life. I always wanted the happy ending and fairytale type love. What we have is something that only happened in the movies. Would this be considered Stockholm syndrome? He technically did kidnap me... but these feelings were real. Right?

"Vanessa!-" I was snapped out of my thoughts and I looked up at Seth who gave me a questionable look.

"A toast. To our future."

I lifted my champagne and clicked it with the others. "To our future," I said genuinely happy.

Before we took a sip he pecked my lips. I smiled on his lips and felt butterflies in my stomach.

I laid my head on his shoulder while I sipped the champagne.

My mother watched us with tears in her eyes. She held my dad's hand and he kissed her check.

"Sono orgoglioso di te figlio. So che lo sarebbe anche lei," his father said. I didn't pick up much of what he said but Natalia, Brett, and Seth all looked at him. They all had soft smiles on their faces.
(Translation: I am proud of you son. I know she would be too.)

I liked this moment. It will forever be engraved in my mind.

The day I realized I loved him with all my heart. Well ... I think I truly do love him.


I hope you enjoyed.

I'm sorry for any mistakes and errors.

Until then happy readings.

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