Latin Words Behind Your Eyes

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" Yeah, Marissa is sexy." Harry chuckles easily.

Harry is currently in his resting place in one of the less dangerous layers of hell. Hell is categorized, Dardemons being the lowest, Fallen being the highest. Harry and his butler Jamie, a nice fallen, are currently chatting over women they'd like to sleep with. Harry lays languidly on his King sized, well put together, luxurious bed. Jamie stands leaning drunk again Harry's door frame. Jamie doesnt complain, neither does Harry.

" She's quite thick, nice curves, but she's too.. I dont know, insecure?" Jamie comments shrugging.

" Mm." Harry hums thoughtfully. " She's a sweet girl, shame, 1 month into this and she'll be just as terrible as the rest of us, realizing how horrific God really is. But uh, yeah, I might want to lick chocolate off her." Harry adds.

Jamie shifts, Harry rolls to his stomach and stares intently at Jamie.  He's quite fit.   Harry thinks.

" What about that servant boy, Jamie?" Harry asks smirking.

" He's pretty fit, if I were his owner, I'd have taken advantage of him already. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Jamie winks.

Harry bellows Jamie over with his finger.


Harry is strolling through an old, smelly, alley way in London. Lots of people to ruin, and break emotionally and mentally. Harry kicks up a rat onto his Converse' he stares at it smirking.

" Fucking disgusting creature, I bet they don't have a heaven for you." Harry says to himself more than anything.

" Ugh, Brit! I-I swear I will sleep with the next man I see!" An obviously drunk girl exclaims.

Harry laughs to the view infront of him,  Dumb fucking bitches, sad, but I'll have to teach them a lesson

" Hey." Harry chuckles.

The two girls stop surprised. One in a fishnet body suit that Harry is pretty sure is the most ugly thing he's ever seen, steps back. Harry chuckles putting his hands up, he'll make them feel no threat, that's just Harry. The other girl, wearing at least 20 bracelets on one arm and far less on the other stands frozen. Harry smiles and turns around. He hears vague whispering.

" Yeah, but you need to get over Scott, and he's your type and he seems like he's not a serial killer" The bracelet girl whispers loudly, obviously, much to the fish netted girls dismay.

Harry starts to walk away, he only reaches 10 steps before the fish netted girl calls out to him.

" Hey! Wanna get a drink?"

" Oh, um I've got a thing." Harry chuckles nervously, as part of the act.

They continue on like that for 2 minutes, Fish net trying to get Harry to get a drink with her. Harry eventually says yes, and proudly, but nerd like, tells her about his 10 inch dick. In human form that is. Her friend leaves, cat calling and openly hollering her phone number. The girl hits it off with Harry and gets exactly what she wanted. A fuck. Although when Harry said he'd eat her... It wasn't what shed expected.

" Gonna eat you." Harry says breathlessly.

" Mmmm!" The girl moans loudly.

Harry was annoyed of her loud moaning the first time they kissed, he was annoyed at her gross talk of her ex boyfriend. He was ready to murder her and suck her soul for his father when she started crying about how her ex was always at work supporting her.  Fucking dumb ass mortal, cant stand humans they're all tools.

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