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Waking up on Jacob's train was becoming a normal thing. I still manage to startle Evie on a regular basis which I found amusing more so than she did. It was getting colder and sleeping on the train was more comfortable than my small home. I had no wood for the fire place and dreaded another winter in that place. Today Jacob wanted me to join in a gang fight that was going to happen that morning. I didn't want to get involved in gang wars but the idea of killing more Blighters was enough to convince me. We geared up and met with the Rooks. I stood back still feeling like I didn't belong among them. "Rooks, today we fight for control of the west side! Are you with me?" They all cheered and raised there fists.  I stood my ground unsure how I would be excepted. "Today we have the skills of the Reaper with us!" They cheered again and Jacob turned to me. "Will you fight with me, love? With my Rooks?" I raised my bow and they all cheered louder. I was ready for this.
Rooks, Jacob, and myself all made our way to the streets were a large group of Blighters waited. I readied my crossbow and stayed at the back of the group. "For London!" Jacob yelled and it was a fight. Both gangs charged at each other with fists and weapons. I calmly picked my targets and dropped them one by one. Than I seen him! The monster of my dreams, the killer of my world. He seen me and smiled his sick sadistic smile at me. I dropped my crossbow and walked straight for him. Through the chaos the blood and the bodies. "Grimm?" Jacob seen me walk passed but I didnt respond I was locked on my target and nothing was going to stop me. 'What is wrong with her? Is she mad?' Jacob looked in the direction I was heading and seen the leader of the Blighters starring back at me. As I got closer I pulled my Karambit out, eyes locked, one mission on my mind. A man got in front of me, I slashed his face causeing him to drop. Another tried to punch me, I ducked and stabbed him in the side. Almost there when a big man stepped in front of Jasper pointing a gun at me. I dropped and threw my knife at him hitting him in the stomach. I walked up and took his gun, now just feet from the man that had to die I pointed the gun at his face. "Any last words?" I cocked the gun. "Stand beside me were you belong. Together we can rule London! Together we can rule the world!" I shook my head at him. "No! I want peace and I will have it when your dead. You will no longer haunt my dreams." He laughed. "I will forever be there, forever reminding you of how you failed them. Reminding you of who you truly are." My anger began to raise and my hand started to shake. "Come, stand with me, or die." My turn to laugh. "You can't kill what's already dead. You taught me death is possible without dieing." I was so focused on him I never seen the Blighter on my left. I did feel the burning pain in my hip. I cried out in pain and seen a knife protruding from my flesh. I swung my arm and shot the man dead, when I turnes back Jasper was gone. I reached down and grabbed the knife handle yanking it out. "Grimm!" I heard a voice call out to me, I looked down at the blade and dropped it to the ground. My vision started to blurr, I turned and felt a chill over my body. "Grimm!" I collapsed and everything went dark. Reaching me before I fell Jacob grabbed me and lowered my limp body to the ground. "Someone get a carriage, Now!" He yelled than turned his attention back to my limp, unresponsive body. "Grimm, stay with me please! Hold on we're getting help!" What Blighters still lived scattered after their leader fled. Some Rooks searched the pockets of the dead others checked on their fallen comrades. When the carriage arrived Jacob quickly picked up my body and with the help of a couple Rooks placed me inside the carriage. "You drive I'll stay back here to stop the bleed." He ordered a Rook as he climbed inside. "Go!"

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