Love Actually

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Chapter 1

My luggage was behind me, rolling over the cool airport tiles. People were wandering around from all angles, trying to find family, friends, or their luggage. Thankfully my luggage was one of the first bags to stroll along the cart, which gave me a head start over all the traffic. 

My eyes were scanning the open room, trying to find my blonde haired, blue eyed brother. 

"Excuse me miss?" I whipped my body around,to see a tall, rather built body guard dressed in the usually black outfit and scary looking terminator glasses. I wasn't scared like most people would be in this kind of situation, why you ask? I knew that with every body guard that needed me, my older brother would be somewhere near.

"Where is he?" I asked eagerly. Just before the body guard pointed in Niall's direction, he grabbed my luggage and watched me as I burst-ed into a sprint. 

"Watch it."

"Screw off kid." 

People chanted at me and flipped the finger as I pushed and shoved my way through the busy crowd.

"Niall? Nialler?" To most people I probably looked like a terrified teenager, who was lost and confused. My brown hair kept flopping in front of my eyes, I struggled to brush it out of the way while being so crammed between bodies.

"Over here!" I stopped in my tracks, looking towards where the voice was coming from.A pale hand was raised in the air. Now I knew where I was going.

Pushing a little more I finally saw Niall, casually standing and smiling while wearing tan colored pants, a white shirt and his regular snap-back. I jumped into his arms, hugging him for awhile. 

"Gosh you've changed! Video calls just don't do you justice! Have you grown?" My mouth wandered on it's own, spitting out questions and statements. 

Niall just stood there laughing to himself at how excited I was.

"It's almost been two years okay, I missed you!" I lightly punched his shoulder and quickly hugged him again. 

I examined my brother, noticing slight changes. He wasn't wearing his usual red polo, his natural hair was slowly coming back at the roots, and his piercing blue eyes looked just like mine as they always did.

"I missed you too, Silver." I always found my name kind of funny. It wasn't very Irish, and it wasn't anything like the name Niall. I liked it though, it was edgy and completely me. 

"Oh before I forget, mom and dad want us to call so they know I made it here alright, and wasn't mobbed by fans." 

"Well, i'm not so sure about the mobbed by fan part. I tweeted you were coming into London last night, and i'm pretty sure half the population of London is here waiting."

"Well that's not creepy at all," I said sarcastically.

"John and Paul are here though, we'll be alright. Cop cars are outside as well, making sure nobody gets out of hand." It dawned on me that John was the man that took my luggage from me, he must have already taken it outside.

"Gosh Niall, seriously? Is there a limo outside too?" Sometimes it was odd being treated like this, I wasn't used to it.

"Actually, we're getting into a van." He laughed and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the sliding doors that led outside. 

The sun was shining and there was a light breeze that was perfect for cooling down. I was excited to spend the Summer here, getting to know the boys of One Direction, shopping, making new friends, and even getting a Summer job.

"You excited?" Niall asked, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I looked up at him while he smiled and waved to all the screaming fans lined up outside. They were gated off, and secured by cops.

Responding quickly I laughed out a response. 



Later that day:

"Here we are," The van pulled into a driveway and parked. The house was huge, clearly fit for five teenage pop-stars.

"Holy crap Niall!" I smacked his shoulder, totally excited about spending my Summer here.

"Ouch!" Niall rubbed his shoulder and gave me a smirk. 

I jumped out of the car, and raced to the front door. Niall was way behind me, grabbing my luggage. I wasn't going to wait for him, technically this was my home now too.

I rung the door bell and waited for the door to open. Right when it did I could feel my mouth drop, eyes widen, and heart beat.

"You must be Silver," The husky voice echoed through my ears.

"Yeah that's me," I muttered.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you." He gave me a smile and stuck out his hand. I grabbed it quickly and gave him a small shake. Niall had almost approached the door now, and for some reason I just wanted to be left alone with Harry.

"I'm S-silver" I stuttered. Not noticing that he had already known my name.

"Nice to meet you again Silver." He let out a light laugh and I could feel my confidence shrink. I couldn't believe I just did that.

"I see you met Harry," Niall was right by my side now. 

I let out a groan, and walked through the door. Hopefully I could regain myself soon.

Niall took me upstairs to show me my room which was right across from Harry's and to make things even more awkwardly glorious, we were the only ones on the floor.

How is it? Be honest(:

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