Spain x Romano : Bésame If You Want Your Old Body Back...

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"Hahh, why does my life have to be so crapola?" Lovino sighed to himself, slamming the door shut, "Veneziano drives-a me up the wall, Germany and France keep-a scaring the hell outta me, and then Antonio goes ahead and-a runs out of food. Now I have to stay in this cramped spare-bedroom of his and-a cook for him!"

The Italian flops onto the bed, and folds his hands behind his head, "If I were a chick, maybe life would-a be easier? But what do I know..." But somewhere, someone in another dimension heard Lovino's wish, and worked their magic as he slept...


"Mmm, what time is it..." Lovino mumbled, rolling over to check the time. Long, thick curtains of hair drape over his eyes, "Huh? Where did-?" A sickening feeling of dread filled the Italian's stomach, as he looked over his body. A feminine scream reverberated through the whole house.

"B-B-Bu-Bu-Boobs!" Lovino stared at his new chest, his shirt filled in with C-cup breasts, "Does th-that mean I'm a-- a woman?!" Lovino scrambled out of his now loose pants and boxers to be presented with new womanly parts. Lovino was about to let out another scream when a flustered Antonio burst into the room.

"Huh? Wait, you're not Romano-- Guh!" Antonio fell to the floor in a heap, rubbing his face where a large red welt was forming.

"It's-a me, you twit-face! I was turned into a woman overnight! I'm also not wearing any pants so GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE ROOOOOM!" Antonio squeaked and scurried out of the room like a mouse, which left a rather frazzled Lovino to get changed.

After a moment of silence, there was a knock and a quiet murmuring voice, "I-I guess you do look a lot like him... But how is that even possible?" Lovino opened the door, making the Spaniard flinch and jump back.

"I'm not-a gonna hit you if you help-a me change back, okay? So, do you have any ideas?" Lovino drawled, crossing his arms with difficulty because of his new assets. Antonio held his chin in thought, before snapping his fingers and turning to Lovino, a red flush tinging his cheeks, "Bésame."


"Bésame," He repeated, a little more impatiently, "That's how the curse is usually broken in fairy tales, with a kiss. Who knows, it might apply to this as well."

"Me? K-Kiss you?" Lovino dithered for a moment, lost with what to do, before he lunged at the unaware Antonio and kissed his cheek. Alas, it didn't do the trick. Antonio chuckled to himself, and grasped Lovino's small waist, "Idiota, like this..." Lovino's struggles were futile against Antonio's grip, and their mouths interlocked. Antonio was gentle, but rough at the same time as he slipped his tongue into Lovino's mouth. Lovino moaned, and could already hear the pitch of his voice deepen as he clasped his hands around the Spaniard's neck.

Antonio pushed Lovino back onto the mattress, and let one hand explore under Lovino's shirt. As Antonio's cool hands groped his deflating chest, Lovino's heartbeat quickened and more embarrassing moans escaped his mouth. But a strange feeling arose out of the depths of his heart, a hungering feeling like greed.

"...More, hah...hah... I want more, Antonio..." Lovino panted, looking into Antonio's eyes as if it was the first time he had.

"Are you sure about that? You've fully turned back to your regular self... Doesn't feel weird that you're a guy now?"

Lovino checked for himself, and Antonio was right. His chest was flat, his hair was short again, and he was starting to get a little stiff. But that didn't matter, his feelings were out and he craved Antonio.

"Th-That doesn't matter. Because I...I..."

At those few words, Antonio smirked, "Let me guess. There's an ache right here," He says, pointing at Lovino's chest, "That, is what you call love. So yes, Lovino, I love you too." Heat crept onto Lovino's face and the ache in his heart filled his body with passion as the two kissed well into the night until dawn.


Thank you for reading! 'Bésame' is Spanish for 'kiss me', in case you haven't picked it up yet. I got this story idea after reading a lot of gender-bender manga, eheheh...
Human names were used, of course, as it made the story run a little more smoothly. Lovino is Romano and Antonio is Spain.

Stay tuned for the next instalment! Hãsta la Pasta~!

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