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Tone picks his phone from his back pocket and gets stunned looking at the screen. -It's mom! Beccs what do I do?-

-Don't tell her we are reunited yet.- I beg.

-But Beccs...- He looks at me apologetically. -I have to, she must be worried sick!-

-Well... Don't tell her, just tell her to come to the house... And tell her not to tell dad!-

-Why don't you want to tell mom about Daphne?- Hunter asks me, blowing some smoke.

Daphne shakes her head. -Because she knows the little maniac will try to kill me, just like your daddy.-

-Oh wow, nice to have you back Daphne.- Hunter says with scorn.

The phone keeps ringing and suddenly stops. Missed call.

Daphne looks at the three of us, from Hunter to Anthony, from Tone to me and I can see her getting flustered and agitated. -Becca... Becca if you untie me I swear I will behave and play nice and explain everything to you and I promise I'll leave and you won't have to see me again.-

Why is she so afraid of both of them? Did mom really eat people? Because dad fed me an arm, what if dad has forced mom to eat people?

The phone starts ringing again.

-Please, don't let her see me. You three have already proved me I was wrong, I can never change what Becca is.- Daphne says this and a couple of tears fall from her eyes.

That's not fair. That's not true. I'm not like him.

Am I?

I was apparently but now I'm just a mess of insecurities and anxiety that vomits whenever she gets a B because that will mean my dad calling me lazy.

I've been wetting the bed since the hunt at the lodge and he acts like it didn't happen. Like he never took me to the middle of the woods to chase me with an airsoft rifle and make me sleep in the woods under the rain and carve a deer so we would cook its liver.

No, he acts like it was some sort of spa weekend where he spoiled me.

The phone rigs, and I have never told mom or the guys what happened that weekend because I wanted to avoid mom and dad fighting. I wanted to avoid Hunter having a chance to call dad a psycho... I just wanted to pretend like it didn't happen.

I'm not like him, he spent that week end high with his blood lust, I was scared the whole time, unlike now.

Unlike at the park when we stopped Daphne from shooting at us.

-Just pick up Tone. Put mom on speaker!- Hunter brings me back to reality.

Tone follows the command and opens his flip phone.

-Hey mom!- Tone's voice is a little higher pitch than usual.

-Anthony, honey! Any news from you sister? I keep calling her but nothing. And you father is not picking up either.-

Tone closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. -Kinda, we know she's in Santa Clarita but not where... Where are you mom?-

-Well right now stuck in the middle of Santa Clarita. In Orchard Road where the taxi I took from the airport dropped me... Come pick me up, we can all look for her together.-

The three of us exchange looks and Hunter smirks. -Sure mom, see you in a few minutes!- Hunter snatches the phone from Anthony's hands and closes it.

-Hey!- Tone complains.-

-Beccs this is great! We drive to pick up mom, you call us telling you are here and we come with mom without dad and sort things out with her help!-

-Your mother is going to attack me!- Daphne moves on the chair, rocking in it forward and back and shaking her head. Her arms waddle, she is fighting the cuffs, trying to get loose.

Rebecca's Bad DayWhere stories live. Discover now