Volturi Castle

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≪Y/n'd Pov ≫

My High heel boots clack against the polish floors of the castle, There was many humans taking pictures. I sniff around the hall way, I Breathtaking smell caught my nose, It smelled like roses and flowers. I held the Urge to run to where ever the smell was coming form. My White hair swished around in the slight breeze. It slowly began to stop my hair landing back down to my thighs.

As we enter a room with thrones and males sitting on the thrones, to smell seemed to be coming from them. The Three males who were sitting on the throne were looking at me intensely, watching my every move. In a flash the male with black hair and red eyes was off his throne, in front of me. Suddenly the man gripped my waist. I heard screams of the humans. They were crying for help. The man was whispering sweet things in my hear while telling me to be quite and everything was going to be ok.

Once the screaming stopped the man released me from his embrace, He gently took a hold of my hand, "I see nothing." The mans smile faded. His hands now tracing my pale skin. I slowly turn my head to see the body's of humans on the ground some creatures drinking there blood. Definitely not ghouls.. Suddenly one of the creatures who were drinking rushed at me with inhuman speed, Before I could react the creature was thrown across the room, The man who was once holding me in an embrace was now in front of me.

"How Dare you try to harm something that is ours!" A Sudden voice yelled. I see The beautiful blonde male getting off his throne. Within another flash the blonde man was in front of the creature that lunged at me holding him by the throat. "What are you." I asked in a cold yet stern voice. The black haired male turned around giving me a smile, "We are vampires." The mans smile got wider. Vampires huh? What a surprise, It does explain the blood sucking and red eyes.
"Are you scared il mio amore?" The man asked. I shake my head. I spoke up once more, "Why did you not kill me?"

Not like they can kill me. I tried not to jump on the man in front of me his scent was intoxicating. The blonde spoke up instead of the man in front of me, "What an absurd question! We would never think about killing our mate!"
I slightly tilted my head, mate? Well They do smell amazing, I've heard about mates...but I never expected to have three? And have them unnaturally handsome..Not that I'm complaining. "What's your names.." I blurt out, I mean if they are my mates I should at least know there names, The man with black hair takes my hand and places a kiss on it, "I'm Aro il mio amore." Aro said smiling up at me. My eyes wander to the blonde male, "Caius." Caius said smiling at me. The man whos name is Caius was still holding the vampire who lunged at me by the neck. Caius gripped the vampires hair ripping his head off.

I didn't even flinch I'm use to seeing such gore some sites. I take my hand away from Aro, looking up at the other male still sitting on the throne looking at me lovingly. The man flashed over to me smiling lightly, I look up at his tall frame, "My Name is Marcus, My beautiful mate."

≪No one's Pov ≫

"He's smiling.." Caius mumbled he hasn't seen Marcus happy since Didyme, "Indeed." Aro said grasping his mates hands.
Y/n let out a half way smile, "Nice to meet you Aro, Caius, Marcus." Y/n stopped for a moment looking at all of them, "I go by the name of Ken Kaneki, but my friends call me Y/n."

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