Chapter Nine

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Katie has been sleeping a lot since her accident, it's only natural given the sedative they've been pumping her full of to stop her from running off, it's like they know that's exactly what she would do. Because it is exactly what she wants to do. She takes a deep breath and turns her head to the side to where, not Bucky, not Sam, but Natasha sits. The redhead smiles seeing Katie awake.

"Hey, Katie" she whispers leaning forward. "How you feeling?"

"Have you found her yet?" Katie instantly asks, Natasha shakes her head. Katie sighs. "How long?" she asks. "How long has it been now?"

"A week" Natasha admits, Katie reaches up and covers her face with her hands. "There is still hope"

"I'm a cop, Natasha" Katie argues. "I know how this goes" she takes a breath. "After 72 hours the chances of missing people being found alive is significantly less" Katie looks to her, removing her hands. "Did you just come here to give me no news?" Katie asks, Natasha shakes her head.

"I'm here to get you out of here" Natasha admits standing. "You're gonna come back to the facility until we find Poppy" she sets a duffel on the bed and gives her a small smile. "I went you your apartment, packed you a bag....okay? You and Denny can stay with us" Katie glances to her, suspicious now.

"And when this is over, am I free to go?" Natasha looks to her sharply.

"You're not a prisoner, Katie" Natasha assures her. "You're there as our friend" Katie sighs a little and looks down. "We're trying to keep you safe, we're trying to find your daughter. And I know" Natasha sighs. "I know you're scared because we know about your mutation, but if you want to go and keep on living as you have been, you can...." she assures her.

"Where's Sam?" Katie asks standing from the bed, a little uneasy on her feet.

"He slept here all night" Natasha answers. "So when Bucky and I got here, Bucky escorted Sam home to shower and eat"

"Why does he do that?" Katie asks, Natasha chuckles a little helping her dress in some joggers and a USAF t-shirt.

"Because he likes you" Natasha answers. Katie looks to her. "He feels...connected to you. You saved his life...." Katie looks at Natasha. "He likes you" Natasha repeats with meaning. "Okay, he wouldn't camp outside anyone else hospital room if he didn't....he's been walking and feeding Denny.....he's even been looking over any intel we get from this seat" Natasha points to the chair next to the bed. "Or out there" she nods outside of the room. "He really likes you" Natasha gives Katie a look.

"Why?" she asks, Natasha laughs a little and shakes her head.

"Oh, honey" Natasha offers softly. "Why wouldn't he?" she counter asks. Katie looks down a little and blushes. "I know we haven't talked much about your personal life, but what I do know; is that you are an incredible woman, smart, feisty, beautiful....kind....and I know you haven't been with anyone since your husband died" Katie takes a breath. "And I don't know what that's like" Natasha admits. "I don't but...I don't think he'd want you to be suffering, to be alone...." Katie looks at her.

"No" she whispers. "No, he wouldn't" she agrees. "But I don't know" she whispers. "I've got Poppy to think about, I can't bring a man into my life if it doesn't work out, she'll be crushed" Katie sits back on the bed rubbing her leg as it aches.

"I'll get you a wheelchair" Natasha tells her softly and then leaves the room.


Sam limps through the facility after he hears that Katie is there. He turns a corner and sees her. Natasha is pushing Katie through the halls, the two of them talking quietly. Katie looks a little better, tired and dressed his shirt. She's wearing his shirt. And she looks better in it than he does, and he knows he looks damn fine in it. Natasha sees him first as he presses a hand to the wall to steady himself, because there is something about that sight. Katie meets his eyes and gives him a small smile in greeting.

"She's all yours" Natasha teases pushing the wheelchair towards Sam who stops it from rolling. He smiles softly at her.

"Hey" Katie greets quietly, Sam nods and looks over her, she does look better.

"Hey, yourself" he teases slightly. Katie manages to get herself to her feet, his hand taking her elbow to keep her steady. "You're here" he whispers. "And kind of on your feet" she nods a little and looks up at him. She leans closer and brushes her lips over his, Sam's surprised, of course he is, he didn't think she would forgive him for what the events he caused. Her fingers clutch to his arm, her legs shaking with the effort. Sam's arms wrap around her to hold her up as he starts to kiss her back. He pulls back and searches her eyes before kissing her again, softer this time, short and sweet before he adjusts his hold on her to help her. "What was that for?" he asks her softly helping her back into her chair, she huffs a little and shrugs.

"I just....I'm sorry" she tells him, he frowns crouching in front of her.

"Why are you sorry?" he counters.

"I shouldn't have run, I shouldn't have...reacted the way I did with the whole mutant thing"

"No" he stops her, placing his hand over hers. "No, it's's not your fault, I should never have pushed like I did" he squeezes her wrist. He leans up and kisses her cheek. "Let's find your little girl and we'll talk" he whispers softly, she nods. He pushes himself back to his feet and rounds the chair. "Check us out" Sam teases taking the handles to the wheelchair. "Couple of invalids" she smiles a little.

"Sam?" she asks, he hums and leans closer to her. "Thank you" she tells him warmly. "For...sitting with me in the hospital"

"Where else was I going to be?" he asks her, she looks up at him.

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