Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

After saving enough money and being in Japan for over 11 years, James decided it was time to move back to the States and get a job and settle down. He prayed and prayed about this decision and thought about it for long time and James felt in his heart that it was time to go back to the states. When he told his parents they supported him a hundred percent, grant it it was a bittersweet decision. He loved his church family and had a lot of good memories including the memory of meeting Mallorie in Japan and being the musician for the church for over 5 years. A few weeks before he left, his church family threw him a going away dinner to celebrate the moment.

Conclusively, It had been over 2 years since Mallorie left and he truly wondered if would ever see her again. Ever since she left James has never stop thinking about her and the solution to his heartache was quite simple: he was in love with her. It took a while for James to realize that after she left; but it was after she left that he realized his true feelings for Mallorie. So, he prayed for her where ever she was and more specifically he prayed that he would get to see her again and she would reciprocate his feelings, A guy can dream he thought to himself. When James arrived to the states, it was a major culture shock to the extreme, everyone in Japan was for the most part respectful but being in America, a lot of people were pretty rude. But, James could easily adapt to being in America again after not being in America for a while, after all he was born and raised in New York City, he should know what rude is. James laughed to himself thinking back to his reaction when he first arrived at JFK airport in New York from Japan.

When James arrived to the states in April, he had rented a two bedroom apartment currently for the time being in Dallas, Texas. Even though he was born and raised in Harlem, New York City, James also had family in Dallas; he also lived in Dallas for 5 years when his father was stationed in Texas.

Two months later after settling in Dallas, James left his apartment to take a casual walk during the afternoon when someone bumped into him. In the process the stranger dropped their phone and bag on the ground and when he bent to retrieve the items and hand it to the stranger, he couldn't believe who he was seeing and a lump formed in his throat.

"Mallorie?" he finally found his voice. Mallorie looked up at him and her eyes became the size of meatballs as the shock registered on her face.

"James??" she barely whispered.

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