Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

During Mallorie's third year, she persevered through the first half working as hard as she could, grant it wasn't easy; Mallorie was taking organic chemistry, physics, and calculus all at the same time. The stress load was more than enough however, through out the semester Mallorie and James preserved their communication between each other since and seemed to get closer despite their temporary separation.
On James's end, he maintained his calm by working hard to the point of exhaustion but, he still reserved time to have phone conversations and skype dates with Mallorie. By the end of the night, James would drift off into a peaceful sleep thinking about Mallorie. And, oh how he missed her, her smell, her taste, her smooth skin and the feel of her soft but voluptuous body pressed against his.. He knew this separation was only temporary but, he couldn't wait to see her again. With that being said, Mallorie couldn't wait for her spring break which was in the upcoming March of the next year. Over the next couple months, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all passed by without Mallorie and James seeing each other although, they spent the holidays with their family and had a great time. Finally when spring break came, Mallorie was estastic and couldn't wait to go back to Texas to visit James.

On March 9 which was a Saturday, Mallorie took the train down to Brooklyn, NY to meet up with her mom and grandmother and then from La Guardia airport, the three of them flew down to Texas to meet James there. During the five hour flight, Mallorie continuously texted James until her plane arrived at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport at 2:00am. When Mallorie and her family got to baggage claim, James and Mallorie immediately saw each other and started walking towards each other gradually picking up pace as they got closer to each other. When they finally reached each other, Mallorie threw her arms around James and gave him a big tight hug.

"Oh Mal, I missed you so much" James murmured into her neck as he held her tightly.

"I missed you too James." then Mallorie took a step back when Annette and Vivien came up and joined them. James was equally excited and hugged and kissed Annette and Vivien both
on the cheek.

"Oh James, it's so good to see you!" said Annette.

"I know look at you, you look so grown and handsome." Vivien remarked and James laughed.
"Thank you Ms.Vivian and Ms. Annette. It's so good to see you guys too; we're gonna have so much fun this week, I can't wait." James smiled and winked at Mallorie who smiled and blushed. She loved seeing him interact with her mom and grandmother.
When they reached James's car, he loaded all of their luggage and drove them to the Magnolia Hotel. When they arrived, James helped them bring their suitcases up to their room and when they were finished, Vivien and Annette bid James a goodnight while Mallorie walked James back to his car in the parking lot. As soon as they reached his car, James took Mallorie in his arms and hugged her tight.

"I still can't believe you're here after not seeing you since last summer." James said as he swiped his hand across her cheek.

Mallorie leaned into his hand, "I know, I missed you so much." and when she said that, he cut her off from saying anything more by kissing her. Mallorie melted in his arms, luckily James held her tight against him cause her legs were giving out on her. James's kiss was gentle yet passionate, Mallorie sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around his torso. A few minutes later James took a step back and released her.

"I love you Mal." He said huskily.

Now this was such a special moment for the both of them, while they both had said "I love you" to each other over the phone for the first time a few months back, being here in the moment and seeing each other and saying it face to face for the first time made it all the more special.

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