We're just friends.

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Modern AU
"Ring ring" Hanabi took out her phone from her pocket and tried balancing the toddler Nana in her arms and picked up the call without paying the caller ID attention.

"Yow?" she answered smiling as Nana tried to reach for her phone.

"Hey Hana... Where are you right now?" Hanabi raised her brow in response of his down tone

"I'm at Miya's place babysitting Nana for her right now. What's up?" she asked already expecting his response.

"Well yeah. Kagura and I had an argument again" Hayabusa sighed heavily. Hanabi inhaled feeling a headache coming. To ease the incoming headache she turned to Nana who was sucking on her thumb.

"Hey Nana want your stupid uncle hayabusa to come over?" Hanabi cooed at Nana emphasizing stupid to hayabusa on the phone.

"Hey!" hayabusa protested. Nana giggled in response to Hanabi's question.

"you have her permission cause I ain't in no mood to leave their house" Hanabi told her friend on the phone as she carried Nana to the livingroom.

"sweet. I'll be over soon. See ya Hana" Hayabusa exclaimed in a hurry. Hanabi simply hummed and ended the call. Hanabi smiled at Nana and basked in the toddler's adorableness while she waited for Hayabusa to arrive.


"hana?" Hanabi heard her idiotic friend enter the house without as much as knocking.

"Wow. You didn't even knock and just came barging in" Hanabi scolded Hayabusa as soon as she saw him. He was in his casual clothes mask still on and hair in a messy manner making her raise her brow.

Hayabusa simply chuckled and raised both his arms in surrender. Hayabusa then laughed at Hanabi's appearance. She was wearing baggy pants and a shirt that said 'buzz off' especially when she had Nana balanced on her hip with a scowl and Nana trying to imitate her.

"You two look so adorable" he smirked. Hanabi rolled her eyes and signed him to follow her in the living room. Hanabi sat down on the sofa indian style and sat Nana on her leg. Hayabusa however plopped his whole body weight on the sofa, accidentally injuring Nana's arm.

"Wahhhhh!" the toddler immediately cried. Hanabi gasped and punched the alarmed and guilty male's arm.

"Nonono!!! Nana don't cry baby" Hanabi cooed comforting Nana by holding her injured arm gently and rubbing soft circles on it. Hayabusa tried wiping the toddler's tears away while Hanabi gave healing kisses on Nana's arm. Nana's tears slowly stopped when Hanabi hummed a small melody to help calm her down while Hayabusa repeatedly apologized. (Taking a small note of how Hanabi would be a great mom someday but enough about that)

Hanabi rolled her eyes punching his arm aggressively earning pained cries from the male. Surprisingly that made Nana laugh.

Hanabi opened up the TV and put on Nana's favourite show and turned the volume down a bit before she turned to Hayabusa

"Ok. Why are you really here?" Hanabi asked giving Nana her stuffed bunny. Hayabusa sighed heavily and laid on the sofa, his legs hanging on the arm rest as he laid his head on Hanabi's lap.

"Well... Kagura and I had an argument again" Hayabusa frowned behind his mask.

Hanabi hummed watching as Nana played with the male's brown locks. "When has that been new?" Hanabi muttered. Hayabusa looked up at her and shrugged.

"Why this time tho? What's the root of it all?" Hanabi asked joining Nana in messing up his hair even more. Hayabusa didn't mind tho. He liked the attention.

"Its about you actually..." Hanabi's ears heightened.

"Me?" she asked. Why would they fight about her?. Hayabusa however nodded.

"She thinks I secretly have feelings for you... She mistook our closeness for a secret affair" he scoffed. Hanabi felt her cheeks tint pink.

"I mean why would she even think that? We're just friends, close friends" ouch... Friendzoned. Nana frowned when she looked up and saw the pained expression from her older sister figure.

Hanabi simply smiled and kissed the toddler's forehead.

"What do you think I should do Hana?" hayabusa asked after a while of silence from Hanabi.

Hanabi sighed and patted Hayabusa's forehead a bit harshly.

"Every.girl.is.territorial" she said in between slaps earning whines from Hayabusa.

"Of course you can't help if she feels threatened by another female's closeness with her partner" she said with honesty. She hid the pain well enough for her "friend" to not notice it.

"Reassure her that she has your utter loyalty and love, as well as time, yet" she paused.

"There are limitations to that. It isn't right if she just hogs all your time, example is restrictions from time to yourself" Hanabi adviced. "crap like that" she shrugged brushing Hayabusa's hair back.

"why am I even giving you relationship advice when I lack that" she joked. Hayabusa laughed.

"Well. You seem to be almost always right when it comes with advices" he joked. Hanabi scoffed.

"Plus you're my best friend and the only person I can really lean on" he said sitting up and turning to her giving her his full attention. Hanabi rolled her eyes.

"yeah right. Then you're admitting that you can't lean on Kagura?" Hanabi asked with a raised brow. Hayabusa rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well before her there was you." He defended. Hanabi laughed and shook her head.

"Ok" she said sarcastically. Hayabusa chuckled.

Their moment however was interrupted when Hayabusa's phone ring. Surprise surprise, it was none other than Kagura.

"Ohh... Sorry Hana... I have to go... She's already calling" Hayabusa gave her an apologetic look. Hanabi nodded with a smile.

"Its ok, go. Don't forget to bring her flowers as a peace offering gift" Hanabi adviced. Hayabusa nodded and stood up giving her a goodbye kiss on the cheek, something they were accustomed of.

"Uhm. It probably is best to stop with the goodbye kisses too haha. No wonder she thinks that" Hanabi sweatdropped after her realization. Hayabusa paused before facepalming

"Right. Sorry. I'll go now. Bye Nana" Hayabusa cooed ruffling the toddler's head earning a small laugh before he was out the door with a wave. Hanabi closed the TV after Nana's show ended

Hanabi felt her chest turn heavy. A lot is going to change. More than before. Despite her pain. She'd rather have her best friend's happiness over her's

They were best friends after all...


Please feel free to tell me what you think! I wrote this on the bus on our way to Baguio so it may be a bit crappy. I apologize for that... I still hope you guys enjoyed it!


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