hold me close - boris

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warning: violence

summary: you were staying at Boris' and his dad comes home unexpectedly.

Boris POV

I wake up to the movie that Y/n and I were watching cutting to the end credits. I glanced over to my left and see Y/n laying next to me. eyes closed, head resting in her arm, with her body on her side (facing me), I could see the dip at her waist and then a curve of her hip. her hair sprawled across the pillow and her shoulders.

she looked so peaceful.

I leaned over and traced her features. the line of her hair, her nose and lips. I left her eyes be, I didn't want to wake her. although her eyes were one of my favorite parts about her. you could get lost in them, how they twinkle sometimes but others you could see how rough and badass they are.

she was wearing her black sweatpants, a Led Zeppelin tee shirt and fuzzy black socks we stole at the store.

her eyes started to flutter open. open, then close, then open again.

she hummed, "mmhgh... Boris?"

"sorry I woke you, принцесса." (Princess)

she shrugged it off, I leaned down and kissed her. then got up and took the empty beer bottles off the bed and put them in a brown paper bag.

Y/n was looking at the clock which read 1:57am. she sat up and wrapped her arms around her body.

without having to ask her, I tossed her one of my red hoodies. my only hoodie. she threw it on and got up out of bed.

I walked up to her, "are you hungry, моя любовь?" (My love)

she nodded yes. so we walked downstairs. I didn't have much in the pantry but Y/n found oatmeal. she prepared that while I got another six pack from the fridge.

after eating we sat at the table. I lit her cigarette and she lit mine. we took a few puffs until she noticed me staring at her.


"what?" I said to my boyfriend.

he smiled and chuckled. he distinguished his cigarette and looked at me again.

"you're just so beautiful, принцесса." he said.

i smiled to myself and leaned closer to him, "hmm, well you're not too bad yourself."

Boris smiled, "oh really?" leaning closer too.

I nodded, bit my lip a little and kissed him.

his hands went to cup my jaw, while mine put down my cigarette in the tray and went to his curly hair.

we were too busy kissing we didn't notice the door opening and closing.

it wasn't until we heard footsteps on the floor near the kitchen that we parted lips.

I looked at Boris, he had a sudden change of mood.

"отец." Boris muttered. (Father)

I looked over to the doorway of the kitchen to see Mr Pavlikovsky standing there. he looked back at me and then to Boris again.

looking cross, he said, "кто это?" (who is this?)

Boris gulped and stood up, looking at the wood floor. he didn't look sad, he looked frustrated, "это Y/n." he said rather briefly. (this is Y/n)

his father responded quite fast in Russian, "ну ты и твоя подруга устроили беспорядок. я не хочу ее здесь." (Well, you and your girlfriend made a mess. I don't want her here.)

Boris scowled, "она уйдет, когда захочет." (She will leave when she wants.)

Mr Pavlikovsky was getting angry, "это мой дом, я не хочу ее здесь. вытащить ее, она чертовски шлюха-!" (This is my house, I don't want her here. she's a fucking slut-!)

Boris interrupted him by shooting his head up and glaring at his father dead in the eye, clenching his jaw, "это не так, как ты здесь в любом случае! и она не шлюха!" (It's not like you're here anyways! and she's not a slut!)

Mr Pavlikovsky rose his hand to hit Boris but I stopped him, "don't!"

he froze and looked at me.

I stepped forward, "don't hit him."

Mr Pavlikovsky chuckled, "избалованная сука." and before I could realize it he used the back of his hand and slapped me across the face, sending me falling to the floor and against one of the lower cabinets.

with one swift motion, I saw the fear in Boris' eyes as he saw what his father did. he growled and ran toward Mr Pavlikovsky and shoved him.

he yelped and stumbled back but caught himself.

I could hear Boris yelling at his father in the living room, "не трогай ее. не чертовски трогай ее!" (Don't touch her. don't fucking touch her)

I found myself getting up, even though I felt a string from my cheek. I got to the living room right as Mr Pavlikovsky struck Boris with his cane. the cane went from under his jaw to crack up on his chin.

Boris fell back and got kicked in the stomach.

without thinking twice I ran over to Boris, grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the sliding glass door. before Boris could stand up. Mr Pavlikovsky missed Boris and struck my nose. I whimpered but kept urging Boris.

he got to his feet and ran toward the glass door. Mr Pavlikovsky yelling after us in Russian and we heading toward the park.

ten minutes later we were sitting on the monkey bars.

Boris was staring out into nowhere, I turned to look at him. his chin was bleeding openly, that would be bruised for a while. but then I noticed the glisten in his eyes.

Boris was crying.

Boris POV

I could feel Y/n looking at me, I'm sure by now she noticed the tears on my cheeks. I didn't want her seeing me cry. I looked down and felt a tear drop from my eye to land on my pants.

"Boris." Y/n said.

I sniffed and turned to her. she hair was partly blowing in her face because of the wind. I could see quite visibily the red mark on her cheek and another cut on the other running from the cheek to her nose.

she still looked so fucking beautiful.

she didn't say anything, she just leaned over, kissed my lips and then my forehead and held me close.

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