Chapter One

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Let me love you, if not for the rest of your life then for the rest of mine. 


"Dad, why is my car yellow?" Louis stops eating his cereal and allows it more time to becomesoggy as he marches outside behind his old man.His father chuckled and dropped the Honda Civic's keys into Louis' open palm. "You loveyellow." 

"I hate yellow." Louis narrows his eyes at the banana shaded tint of the vehicle he'll be driving toand from school henceforth. 

"That's not what your mother told me."No longer being a by-stander in this petty argument, Johannah laughs and deflects Louis' poutedlips with a dismissive wave. 

"Honey, your dad will fix it." 

"I will." Mark coughs into his fist and puts his hands on his hips, standing on their perfectlytrimmed lawn in sandals. "After school bring it by that new garage I told you Franky owns. He'lldo a paint job on it in no time."

 "Okay." Louis scooped up the last stubborn fruit loops and handed his mom the bowl, exchangingit for his school bag. "Bye, Mom." 

"Bye, love. Have fun at your new school!" She shouted after him as he closed the door to his car.Louis drove down his street with perfectly manicured lawns and hedges after hooting at hisparents. 

Being the only child to a relaxed family he was bound to be spoiled. The best part is thathe never managed to take any of that to heart, never once allowing it to shape him up to be a bratfor the rest of his life.His father was as married to the stock exchange market as he was to his wife, and that brought inenough money to move them across country. 

Louis gets a new school in his final year and anopportunity to avoid friendship at any cost.Despite the threat of a new environment, Louis wasn't the least bit afraid of what he might end upas by the end of the day. 

This school is promised to be one of the finest institutes that stillmaintained a regular influence of the American system whilst being in Britain. Odd, he guesses.Lockers and proms. Drama and getting lost in the halls. 

He looks forward to them all equally.The parking lot to his school is expansive and right out in the open in front of the school'sentrance. Many cars were already here and it became a hunt for Louis to find a decent spot closeenough to the entrance staircase.

He eventually found one after the circling the centre row once,and pulled in right across from a Bentley.A Bentley? Who on Earth drives a Bentley to school?Louis gets out of his car and is glad to hear no snickers or comments about the pastel yellowcolour of his car. People mind their own business here and that is beautiful. 

Hauling his bag outwith him, Louis tries not to cause a fracture on the BMW next to him as he slides out into freespace.The cobblestone driveway doesn't feel so great on his shoes and he wonders how the many girlsin heels manage to not fall over. 

People are buzzing all around him, loud laughter and one voiceabove all the others speaking to their cliques.He glances at his watch and sees that he has a little over thirty minutes to get his stuff and go to hisfirst class. Scanning the parking lot to establish a division or understanding of what the studentbody functions as, he meets the eyes of someone with a discerning shade of green.

 How he can tell the colour of their eyes from this distance is a wonder but this person is the ownerof that notorious Bentley. He's got hair that goes a little past his shoulders, made up of greasy butlovely chocolate brown curls. Marble-like features on a jaw that goes on for miles, strong andmoulded beneath his pale skin.

He's undoubtedly the most beautiful person Louis' ever laid eyes on. Whoever he is, he makesLouis' spine tingle. The stranger is alone, just like him, with a cigarette pinched between his lips ashe observed everyone else. 

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