Chapter Two

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Giggling with a wild kind of abandonment came freely only to those who have little worry for thatbrief moment or their minds were so occupied with joy that they failed to allow self-humiliation.

 The shrieking after-tone of such bliss was also as rare as the main event, but today Louis seemedto be lacking neither.He knew that although he kicked sand behind him and tried his hardest to put speed into his pace,there was no real hope for an escape from his pursuer. 

Imprisonment would not follow beingcaught by Harry, only further reasons to look at the world as a crystal sphere of magic. Everyemotion within such a fantasy was as mystical as the people that shared them. Love, it was themost profound of all. 

It was Wednesday and Harry wrote a note asking whether or not Louis would like to explore thequieter side of the beach with him after school. Louis hardly thinks the note was necessary, if onlyit was an excuse to grope his behind when Harry shoved the torn paper into his back pocket. 

Regardless, he had agreed and now sought to perch himself on the highest rock in sight so hecould marvel at the true majesty of facing the ocean. 

"This chasing business is going to get you no rewards, H." Louis dropped his shoes onto the sandand folded up the cuffs of his jeans as high as they would go. 

Hands landed on his bottom and Louis squealed, jumping out of the firm grasp only to be draggedright back. The mute but not unskilled lips of his boyfriend found his neck where a rather brightlovebite had to be hidden this morning with cosmetics. 

They parted and sharp molars sunk into hissensitive skin, nibbling thereafter to soothe a slight burn.He looked at the blunt apex of the shadowed boulder before him, and all the miniature rockslodged into the ground around it like stationary knights. 

"Help me up?"Louis gasped under his breath when his back collided with frozen stone and he was left staring upat his hunched lover.

 Broad muscles under a taut shirt and merciless leather pants on strong thighs,Harry was as beautiful to look at as his heart made him out to be. He risked his traitorous back'ssatisfaction by leaning down a bit to rest his forehead against Louis', his arm slipping into theperfect curve of his boy's spine.

 "Please?" Louis pecked Harry's expectant lips and beamed innocently when an untamed eyebrowquirked at him.He laughed against Harry's mouth when the latter only coaxed him into another, deeper kiss. 

Thelight-heartedness melted so that the explicitly pleasant flame that blazed just between them came tolife, and Louis moaned when Harry's tongue dipped into his mouth. There was a little knick at theedge of his boyfriend's tongue from a frightening incident months ago. 

Louis tries not to thinkabout it even if he was there and it will haunt his subconscious thoughts forever."You can't distract me forever." Louis contradicts his words by wrapping both arms aroundHarry's wide shoulders, pulling himself up so his legs trapped the other securely. 

His height increased when Harry aided his lift, doing a great many things to maintain their kisseven when breathing became a chore. Cold air that tasted like salt whipped around them as wild astheir racing hearts, as free as they would one day be.

 Harry could already see it."Hey." Louis caught a glimpse of another Jeep arriving in the wilderness of a parking lot,unfamiliar but still bothersome.

 "We're not alone anymore."Harry was instantly guarded and Louis could not think to blame him. He dropped his boy to thesand and encircled his slender hips with both protective arms, breathing like a racehorse when heglances over his shoulder. The sight of seven teenage girls in bikinis did little to ease his worry,not anymore."

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