Chapter 1

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Slowly, she saunters on the stone laden bridge that gradually went up and overlooked a river; then back down. She came to the balustrade and peered over, admiring the river below her. The river reflected the waxing crescent moon and the heavenly bodies that surrounded it.

She clasped firmly onto the leather bound book of poems written by Edgar Allen Poe. It included her favorite of all: Annabel Lee.

A pair of long, pale arms embraced her from behind. A chin laid on her right shoulder. “Hello” a boy whispered.

“Hello” she responded placing the leather bound book of  poetry on the balustrade. “I didn’t expect you.”

The boy chuckled, she could hear the smile in his voice. “Oh, Annabel.” He sighed resting his cheek on the crook of her neck. “My sweet, sweet Annabel Lee.”

Annabel, that was her name, giggled. A light shade of crimson came across her pale cheeks.

“Nothing in the world, could tear us apart. Nothing at all.” The boy spoke in his angelic voice drawing Annabel closer to him.

“Israfel…” Annabel endeavored to speak, but was silenced by the boy named Israfel.

“Shhh” he shushed. “Do you hear the musicians playing their instruments?” He enunciated calmly and quietly; almost like a whisper. “I saw them earlier, they are newly made. All the way from Germany.”

“Mhm” she replied falling deeply into the spell he was casting on her. Softly, he began to sway with Annabel. Lightly grasping onto her long and thin fingers and twirling her making sure she would face him. Annabel relaxed her head onto his chest, which was quite easy due to the height difference.

        Israfel hummed to the tune in the distance, his eyes closed and his chin resting on top of her head. “Quando la luna colpisce il tuoi occhio, come una grande pizza Questo è amore Quando il mondo sembra brillare come se avessi bevuto troppo vino Questo è amore” Israfel sang, his voice oh so angelic. 

From what only felt like minutes, turned into hours. They continued to sway to the distant music that faded into almost nothing. "Israfel?" Annabel stated opening her weary eyes to look into his pastel blue and grey ones. "Do you remember when we first met?" she inquired. 

He smiled widely at her. "Of course, I've dreamt about it many times." Israfel responded. "It was around this time of the year. The snow had fallen perfectly on the ground and the sky was clouded over. See, when I woke up that morning, I knew something good would come from it." 

She giggled at the love in his eyes and the passion in his voice.

"...You were wearing your favorite outfit. A grey sweater dress with black lace tights. Your hair in a perfect bun." He continued twirling her. 

They danced, becoming more lively the longer they went on. They danced to the music inside their heads, the imaginary orchestra that passionately struck it's instruments. 

They gradually slowed their pace. "Come." Israfel said grabbing hold of her thin and long fingers and leading her to the highest point of the bridge. He sat down in the middle, gesturing Annabel to sit with him. They laid back against the wintry stone. 

 He reached out his arm and pointed to several different constellations. An extended yawn came from his mouth, quickly he covered it with his hand. He looked to his right and saw she had fallen asleep. A sheepish smile grew on his face as he gently placed his arm around her. 

Slowly, he found himself to be drifting to sleep as well. 

Then that's when he saw it. The first stream of light shining over the many buidlings that were behind the trees. He perked up, "no." He gasped. 'Were we really out that long?" He inquired of himself in shock.

He inhaled a deep breath to calm himself. He gazed down at Annabel who was still in the state of dreams. Tenderly, he stroked the loose strands of hair out of her eyes. "Annabel, we must get up now."  He said watching her moan and turn to her side as she slightly shivered. "It's morning." 

Annabel's eyes shot open, quickly looking over her shoulder to see him. "Morning already?" She inquired, her voice groggy. 

"I'm afraid so." He replied. 

She pushed herself up, and so did he. "I'll see you tonight?" Annabel asked gazing tiredly into his eyes. "Of course." he responds kissing her forehead before walking down the bridge. 

She turned her heels to the opposite direction. At first she stumbled, out of the weariness her legs had received from the dancing, then it became a more sophisticated stride. 

The morning sun ever so slightly blinded her vision. She walked down the snowy path to her home. It was a rather small to most people. It consisted of two bedrooms, a family room, a kitchen, and one full bath. Yet, it didn't bother her family, they cherished the special occasions they held inside it. 

Annabel quietly opened her bedroom window. She scanned the room inside and saw her bedroom door was still shut, and the piles of pillows under her blankets were still intact. 

Exhausted, she pulled herself inside her room and allowed  her body to sink onto hardwood floor. She closed her eyes, and slowly she began to sleep again.

"Annabel!" Her mother exclaimed knocking on the bedroom door. 

"Is it really time to wake up?" Annabel moaned making herself stand, a yawn escaping her mouth.

"I'm sorry, but yes." her mother sighed. "Would you like some breakfast before you go?" 

"No, but thank you" Annabel replied. She stumbled to her closet and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a light grey sweater. She wearily put them on then threw her dirty clothes in the laundry basket inside her room. She reapplied her makeup, putting on mascara and eyeliner and leaving the rest more natural looking. 

She grabbed her black messenger bag that had a raven (a raven from "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe) on the front. She admired her work in the mirror that she knew no one else would like. "'It doesn't matter what others think, you are you and no one else; so express it.'" She sighed quoting Israfel. "What would I do without you?" 

She quickly gathered her thoughts and sauntered to her bedroom door. 

After greeting her parents with a joyful "goodmorning" she grabbed a quick bite of an apple and left her home.

She walked to the bus stop; preparing herself for the humliation she will recieve when she enters inside the bus.

She saw it coming, already loads of kids on it. First day's were always hard, even if this is her second year.

It stopped in front of her, the doors opened and she peered around the corner seeing all the teenagers laughing. 

"It's only ten minutes away" the bus driver winked seeing the anxiety in her eyes.

She gave him a warm smile, he had always cheered her up every day ever since freshman year. Yet, she never asked for his name. 

She gripped onto the bar to steady her tired legs and wandered inside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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