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It is still dawn when lulu gather his things and prepare to leave, he look around his room and sighed he still can't believe that he would leave his house because of something so worthless. He may naughty and act mischievously but he really do love and care for his family. 

He really doesn't want to leave but he also doesn't want to be tied to someone he doesn't love especially to someone who he just met. That is why he is so determine to leave, he would definitely leave but he will surely come back. 

Lulu put the letter he wrote on his table dedicated to his family, surely after he leave, this would make his family a traitor but he knows that his family would be alright because not even the emperor could harm his family.


because his family is not just a family of ministers but also a soldier that serve the emperor for many centuries now and gave the different generation of emperor victories. That is why his hesitation lesses a bit because of this reason.

And if worse scenario came he would definitely save his family.

Lulu slowly open the door of his room and ready to leave with a heavy feeling, for sure Neil have been waiting for him outside. But before he could even look at his front a voice was heard.

"where do you think your going?"

Lulu was flabbergasted and his face paled because his whole family is in front of him  looking at him intently. He gulped and ready to depend himself.

"you're going right?" His father said. Lulu's heart sunken and he suddenly misses his family even though they are just in front of him.

" go to our pavillion, it is old but it is not that known and it is far " his mother continued.

" always take care" rold said while his two other brother did not talk and just look at him with watery eyes. 

"I'm sorry father, mother and brother " lulu said with a breaking voice

he slowly walk towards them and they all automatically hug each other because they know  after lulu leave they would not meet for a very long time. 

" be well my son, be well. Always remember that this father of your is really proud of you" his father cried. 

"uwaaaa"  and a loud noise of cry echoed in the whole household of Althelstan. 

But before they could finish their family hug a voice was heard beside them.

" Althelstan family brace yourself the emperor is here "  Upon hearing this the whole family stiffen. 

They all simultaneously look at the emperor majestically walking towards them, the servants are aligned in both side including Lee. 

The Althelstan immediately kneel, face is still wet from tears.

why the fuck is the emperor here?!! Lulu can't believe what he was seeing there is still a few hours before the appointed time and why the heck the emperor himself fetch him?!

" Full respect to the Emperor " Althelstan unisonly and just like Lulu his family is also flustered  and  wondering.  And they all thought that maybe they're lulu is being greatly adored and favored. 

"your majesty the appointed time is still three hours away" Lulu bravely said trying not to sound really annoyed. 

" why do you have a bag on your back? "  the emperor asked that made the whole family stiffen.

" I - uhh.. " Lulu can't think of anything his mind goes blank. 

"I-Its his clothes your majesty" Aiden answered earning a look from Lulu would he tell the emperor that he have a plan to escape?

"it is his clothes that he would bring to his new place your majesty"  his brother continued and they all sigh in relief. 

" HEY LULU YOUR SO SLOW THE HORSE IS ALREADY OUTSIDE " the window in lulu's room burst open and neil is caught in the act of jumping inside his room.

Lulu face palmed, why is there always a surprise voice today?!

"Pardon me my majesty but may this servant do something to this fool friend of mine?"  Lulu said lifelesly said as if he already gave up his life. 

The emperor nod, giving his permission but base on what he saw he already know what his concubine tried to do.

Lulu get up and walk towards the confuse Niel and he smack his head earning an even confused look from his friend. Lulu didn't talk and pull him towards the emperor and kneel.

Neil doesn't want to kneel but lulu force him. 

"Forgive my friends rudeness your majesty he is an idiot but I value him, please spare my life, my family and my friends life " Lulu knows that The emperor already know what he wants to do and seeing the emperor's displease face he knows they are in danger. 

He angered him and his chance to escape is already gone, and the only thing he could do now is to ask for forgiveness.

" Lucious Althelstan I Am greatly offended by what you are about to do, are you aware that your family and friends could be killed because of what you did? "  The emperor said and his mood became more annoyed because of lulu's hand around his so called friend.

" Forgive me my majesty, this servant of your is very ignorant, I'm a fool for doing the thing that would displease you, if you want to punish someone I beg you direct your anger to me " Lulu said bravely and honestly now he came to senses that he would rather take the punishment even if it means he needs to dies just to spare his family's life. 

His three brother reacted and ready to help their baby brother when the emperor raise his hand preventing them to do so.

"Then stand and come to me"  The emperor commanded, 

with a clench teeth Lulu stand up and walk towards the emperor, the lifelessness is very evident in his eyes, his round eyes full of life and freedom is no longer could be seen and this sadden his family especially Neil. 

Lulu is now standing in front of the emperor, his whole features became more evident in emperor's view his beauty is really something to behold. The emperor moved his hand and touches lulu's face caressing it as gentle as possible. The anger he felt a while ago subsided completely.

His majesty's hands move even lower to where lulu's lips is located which made lulu look at the emperor eyes'. 

you bastard you would regret that you made me your concubine

This sweet little thing is too beautiful to be be owned by others

they simultaneously thought.  

The emperor hug him while caressing his head and gently pushing it towards the crook of his neck. This whole scene was seen by all of the people in that area, and they were all shocked especially Lee because this is the first time that the Emperor shows such gentle action to anyone. 

Lulu looked especially vulnerable because of his small frame being hug by a big body of the emperor but at the same time he looked like a cat being protected by a big black leopard his family got even more confused what did lulu do to make the emperor adored him this much. 

"we're leaving"  the emperor said.

"long live your majesty" 

Avoiding  the EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now