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Feeling annoyed yet he knows he still need to stay professional because of the relationship of the two country, Lucious still humbly bow while retaining a business smile. He introduced himself.

" I'm Lucious Athelstan in place of the Emperor I shall entertain you for the day " 

Theo beamed, he kept on looking Lucious observing him because the man standing in front of him is truly a beauty just by Lucious big round eyes and plump lips he couldn't stop but compliment it in his mind. This man in front of him could make anyone bend just by his sight, no wonder the cold emperor he knew took a great liking at him. 

" I'am more than glad to have you than that expressionless man, I'm Theo Hozard Prince of Dystopia country, third prince in line. We may have a great day together, Lucious " Theo said while smiling at Lucious. 

"Then would you like for me to tour you first or you want me to lead you in your room or perhaps are you hungry? " Lucious asked. 

Theo hold his chin and let our a 'hmm' as if thinking seriously about the choice Lucious gave him. After some while making Lucious wait he look at him and asked.

"How about you, what do you think you want me to do? "  Theo said with flirtatious smile while making his face a little closer at Lucious. 

Lucious want to roll his eyes and let the man in front of him see it so that he will know that he is so annoying, fucking annoying. Instead he step back and smiled again. 

"It's your choice majesty but if you insist, I would want to lead you in your room because you might be tired from your travel " Lucious politely said.

" just go in your room you playboy, sleep forever you flirt. Let me just enjoy my time you donkey! " 

" I'm greatly glad that you are very concern of me though I want to spend time with you so could you tour me around?" Theo said that maid Lucious clench his jaw yet he still retain his 'business smile'.

"Then this way your majesty" 

together with the two aid of  Theo and one in Lucious they started the tour around the palace. The first destination they goes is in a room where the pictures of the previous emperors, where the documents about the history of their nation are being kept. 

Lucious really does not really know the names and locations and parts of the palace but thank to the information his teachers and Lee gave him he studied it slightly and just bluff some things and say some not so important details of this and that and Lucious was greatly bored while entertaining the Prince who kept on passing at him every time he get a chance.

" This is the portrait of the previous emperor, Father of the current Emperor " Lucious introduced by time more pass by he gets more bored and tired and he could clearly see that even the Prince is not that least interested about what he is saying at least he is more interested on praising him with rosy words and trying to flirt at him. 

"Lucious could I asked you a question? "  Theo said, without looking Lucious just let out a word of 'sure'

" I just noticed that you are well knowledge .. " Theo started, Lucious can't help but to let out a sigh because he thought it is just one of his compliments about him but upon looking back at him he saw that the flirty prince is showing a serious face.

" What do you think about the snake strategy? " Theo continued without looking at lucious.

Taking things a little serious, Lucious stopped for a minute to think about it.

"It's a coup d'etat type of strategy, for me it's a well developed kind of strategy. Slowly dominating the government in the shadow while making the prey let it guard down because of the loyalty its showing. Safe, not much blood could be spilled but the person you want to removed by its place. " Lucious explained but what make him greatly concern is why the Prince of Dystopia is asking him this?

He want to asked why but by thinking that the prince might think of him being over thinker or serious because of a simple question that have no meaning he might poke fun of him so he didn't asked further instead he just took a glance at him that the prince response with a simple smile, empty dull smile. 

After some hours the tour is not yet done when he asked Theo if he wants to take a break and have some tea which the prince gladly accepted. Lucious decided to have their tea in the garden, a garden that especially maid for guest. 

"So Lucious, I'm a little bit interested to you would you tell me more about you? " Theo started after sipping his tea. 

Lucious was not surprise, he took at glance at him while his tea is still touching his lips. Slowly he put it down. " nothing is interesting about me. I'm just a simple man who loves freedom, nothing but a lazy lad " Lucious responded while looking down and letting a small dull smile. 

" Then why are here? If you like freedom why are you staying in this place of too much work? "

" nothing ... and I don't even have a choice " Lucious just whispered the last part but Theo clearly heard it and can't help but look at him pitifully. 

Theo look at Lucious as if inspecting his small shaped faced and his heart can't help but to be pulled when he saw that Lucious is looking distantly lonely. "He's really pretty" Theo can't help but to utter in himself. 

"Anyway, why don't you tell me how is your country" Lucious said, wanting to change the topic because he could clearly see that Theo is looking at him intently .. too much. Which made him too uncomfortable. 

Theo didn't respond immediately, as if thinking he blinked his eyes first then let out a smile. A genuine one .

"My country is a very beautiful place, just like yours. Kind people, delicious foods and flowers ... flowers everywhere. " Theo said happily.

"So he could be serious without being a flirt." Lucious thought.

"flowers huh ... " Lucious said while nodding.

" Do you like flowers? "

"not really because their too fragile but strong"

"Right! it may not look like it but I'm really fond of flowers" Theo suddenly exclaimed making Lucious a little surprise because of his excitement.  

"actually you look really like them" Lucious commented.

" hehehe is that so ... tell me more about what you think about flowers"

" what I think about them? nothing but fragile beautiful things but yeah I think they are incredible. They could grow anywhere, rocky, cold, hot anywhere and could make something ugly, beautiful." Lucious said which made Theo's heart beat faster unknown from what its meaning he just kept on looking at Lucious to excitedly. 

"In my country flowers are really precious. Originally our country is nothing but a dry land but when the previous Emperor was placed it became prosperous. "

The two young men talk and talk for hours. Talking about various things, foods, animals almost everything and for the First time Lucious though Theo is not that bad, because he is talkative and there is no boring time with him. What made Lucious like him the most is that Theo didn't made a pass or flirt with any longer. They just talk like a normal friend which what Lucious is looking for.

Lucious originally have many friends and with his happy going personality many people really liked him and while talking to Theo he now shows his true personality, and let go of his 'business smile'. But while talking at Theo what made him think is that he misses making a normal conversations not being bound by anything, but just a simple chat. 

" I have a lizard, though it in my country but maybe in the future you could let you see it " Theo said that made Lucious happy because he knows that his pet is from the family of lizard. 

"Then would you like to meet my pet!" Lucious exclaimed excitedly. 

Theo was about to respond when suddenly..

" The Emperor is coming ... " 

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