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SEQUEL: The Feeling

A/N: Hello guys!

This is an old story of mine. I will just edit it to feature my ship, Forth and Beam (TaeTee is ForthBeam fight me!). This is actually a mix of my experiences with guys with added love angle.

I just added this introduction to describe ForthBeam's relationship before the setting of the story.

Hope you enjoy!


Forth and Beam are inseperable since college. Though they belong to different faculties, they somehow have this connection that they can't explain. They have the same circle of friends. They live in the same dorm. They are even from the same province. That's why they consider themselves best friends.

After passing their respective licensure examinations (Mechanical Engineering for Forth, Psychometrician for Beam), they submitted their applications to different companies. In another twist of fate, the same company called both of them and ask them to report for an interview on the same day!

Long story short, they were accepted in the company. Forth as a practicing Mechanical Engineer and Beam as an Human Resource Personnel due to his Psychology background.

Many things have happened since then. There were ups and downs. But the biggest thing for Forth is that he found himself a girlfriend. But for some reason this girl dislike Beam. It always becomes an issue between the couple and the best friends.

Until one day, Beam is finally fed up. He told Forth that he is ending their friendship and wished him to be happy.

After that, Beam decided to go home to the city for the weekend...

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