Ch. 2

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Ch: 2

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Ch: 2

The past week had been hectic- in fact- more hectic than usual. It was clear the the cafe was booming in popularity and Y/N and Changbin had been working their butts off. Even working overtime. A week ago a social media star had advertised the cafe on their social media account and since then the cafe has been getting more and more new customers everyday.

Y/N and Changbin could really use an extra hand around the cafe that's for sure. It didn't really help that the waitress (which Changbin had a massive crush on) had to ditch last minute due to personal family matters. The two really were struggling.

But alas, the week had come to an end and a new one approaches. Y/N starts her day as she normally would. She pulls her hair into a neat ponytail after taking a shower and puts on her work uniform, checking herself in the mirror to make sure she looks clean and proper.

Even though her job wasn't the fanciest job in the universe she wanted to at least seem presentable on a day to day basis. Surely nobody would want to have their orders taken by a waitress that looks like she just came out of the garbage truck. It was basic common sense after all.

After making sure she had all her stuff she finally made her way out of the front door and started walking to the cafe. She thanked technological advancements for making elevators a thing because if it weren't for elevators, she would be commuting up a whole lot of flight of stairs just to get to the cafe.

You know, considering the restaurant was at the very top of the building and all. 

As she makes her way into the building, she gets into the elevator and presses on the top floor. When the elevator makes a "DING!" sound, she makes her way out and towards the restaurant. You might be wondering why she was paying attention to every little detail of her day to day, well- it was actually just because it had become a routine for her.

To Y/N, everyday was the same old boring day.

The only thing that kept it fresh was Changbin and... him.

She takes a deep breath and takes a good look at the atmosphere, another sunny day in the spring. She takes off the covers from the cashier counter and turns on the cash register. She then, as usual, begins to sweep and clean the floors.

Her day had finally started like how it normally would.

That was until she heard a loud crashing sound that came from the kitchen.

The sound of pots and pans colliding with the floor was never a good sign. "IS IT A THIEF? IS IT BECAUSE THE CAFE HAS GROWN IN POPULARITY LATELY?!" she thinks to herself.

Out of instinct, she holds the broom as if it were a weapon. If this were thief, Y/N was sure she was prepared to attack him or her at any cost. Those years of Taekwondo can finally benefit her. She slowly makes her way into the kitchen where she was stopped in her tracks by a loud groaning sound, "AGH.". It was definitely the voice of a man. Preparing for any sort of attack, Y/N rapidly turns to the corner, hits the man on the head and holds him against a wall,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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