The Wedding

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*Silas's POV*

I was leaving out of the room with this red head Latina because I just couldn't have sex with her she smelled really really bad. My excuse I have to pee.

"Aye where's Ethan at I'm ready to go now," I said grabbing my tie off of the chair with Groom on it

"He left with Anastasia," Durk a friend of mines said

"You snooze you lose right," Nick said patting me on my back and I felt horrible

Out of every man here she chose my best man knowing how I felt both of them are about to get a piece of my mind.

"Alright fellas I'm leaving see you tomorrow," I said walking out getting into the van

I can't believe them

~20 minutes later~

I was walking out of the elevator to confront Ethan when I seen him and Anastasia walking out of room holding a hanger which most likely had my suit in it. I walked over to them startling the both of them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have hear, " I said tilting my head

"Uhh we have a suit and a dress that we must get packed up," Anastasia said quite irritated

"Well don't let me stop the two love birds chop chop," I said laughing

"We aren't a thing," Anastasia said and I didn't believe a word she said

"Then the earth is flat-t," I said slurring my words

"Come on man lets get you sobered up your weddings in 7 hours," Ethan said looking at his wrist

"You to slept together huh, you want that slut ha-ave er,"

"Your out of line," Ethan said pulling me by my collar into his hotel room

"Drink that bottle of water and eat some of that bread," he said pointing to a tray that sat on the round mahogany table

"Me and Anastasia have nothing going on, I tried to kiss her and she stopped, and why should you care your getting married," he said as I got up walking to the bathroom

"I don-t-t care I'm just drunk that's all," I said peeing all of that alcohol out of my system hopefully

"Whatever you say man, get some sleep I'll be back in 30," he said walking out

*Anastasia's POV*

"I just can't believe he called me that," I said get in the bed looking over at the clock to see it was 3 in the morning and I had to be up in 3.

"He's a dick now just go to sleep," Lindsay said with a white fluffy pillow over her face

"Your right," I said trying to go to sleep but I kept twisting and turning and turning and twisting until I realized....

I can't do this

~4 hours later~

"I want this floor spotless and shiny and please get me more rose petals on these three table," I said taking fixing my baseball cap I had on

I had on a pair of Champion jogging pants with the matching shirt so I could be comfortable. I walked up the stairs into the brides dressing room to see her getting her makeup done.

"You have one hour left I told the beautician and makeup artist," I looked over to see all of the bridesmaids makeup finished and now they were focused on their hair

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