Thorpeigh's tragedy

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*The rain was pounding at the sides of my damp cardboard box. I was still hungry from last night, I didn't find enough dog treats in the neighbourhood garbage can so I went to sleep hungry.*

I wake up the next morning to a dog trying to take a dumb in my box under the subway. Typical

"Excuse me this is private property! You can't be here I yell to the dog's owner

"My dog can take a crap wherever he wants you bad mayonnaise hairball" the man yells back to me in his New Yorker accent

"Hey! I'm a rat, ok?!"

No matter how many times I've been called that name, it still hurts every time. I was in deep emotional pain, but I had to get ready for the day. I tucked my girthy, thick rat tail into my cargo shorts and fluffed up the fur on my chest. I pulled on my yellow-stained tank top and I was ready to go dumpster diving.

With a grunt, I hauled my now gargantuous looking ass out of my cardboard box. I walked out to the sidewalk. parents shielded their children's eyes and rushed away. Birds shrieked and flew away. When I got to the dumpster, there was no rotten food, no half eaten fast food, not even an ounce of dog food. I yanked out my lengthy tail and started rushing up some nearby stairs; my tail thumping like thunder on every step. My beady eyes were wet with tears. Snot ran down onto my buck teeth. I couldn't do this anymore.

Panting, I found myself on the roof of the building, looking down on the road far, far below. With a sigh, I shut my eyes and let my body fall forward. I winced expecting the impact of my body hitting the ground...

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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