1: Kidnapping Someone is a Bloody Big Deal

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"Oh sh*t!" I gasp as I bump into a hard body and my boss's ridiculously expensive coffee is spilt all over a stranger.

My own coffee has also been mercilessly slain, forming a dismal puddle on the wooden floor. How am I meant to get through the day now? I don't remember the last morning I haven't had a cup of coffee... I know I am addicted which isn't necessarily healthy, but I need caffeine in order to feel like a person! Otherwise I am just a brain-dead zombie. There is also the fact that I don't think I got more then seven hours sleep this whole weekend, as it was my best friend Carla's 21st birthday meaning we got crazy drunk, which has resulted in me being even more dead then usual this gloomy Monday morning. I can just hear my mother's voice nattering on in my ear 'And this is why you don't rush Jessamine and leave in plenty of time. When are you going to start behaving maturely and find a man to support you?' Oh, well I may be twenty-two but I am certainly not a responsible adult yet. And I don't need a man.

Suddenly a mouth-watering, earthy scent, which I am instantly hooked on invades my senses, and delicious, fiery tingles curl up my arms and down my spine as the now coffee-drenched stranger reaches out to steady me on my feet. I snap my head up, my jaw instantly dropping as I take in the man in front of me. He is ridiculously tall, perhaps about 6 foot 4 towering over my 5 foot 3 frame, with broad shoulders and a body packed with muscles in between. His rich auburn hair is sexily tousled as if he has run his hands through it a thousand times, and suddenly I want to be the one to do it. He has distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, which could have been carved from the Gods themselves, and his smooth pale skin makes him look devilishly handsome. He has strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, they could be illegal. And then his eyes- they are deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melts into a milky green. This close, I can see the flecks of silver in his eyes. I greedily take in his godly form, wanting him to claim me and take advantage of me right now in any way he pleases. He is truly the most handsome man I have ever come across, and as our eyes connect, I feel as though my soul is reaching out to his, although that is silly of course.

He puts the erotic characters you read about in novels to shame.

"Mine!" He growls out, making me gasp and my panties become a little wet as his strong, husky voice invades my senses. Then he clears his throat and makes an effort to relax, although his fingers don't leave my skin.

"Well hello there... I am Alaric. What's your name?" He asks with a voice as smooth as honey making me bite down on my plump bottom lip to stop a moan from escaping.

What the hell is wrong with me? I'm no horny, fairy-tale-dreaming teen! Love at first sight does not exist. However, I cannot deny that this man is affecting me more then anyone has in my entire life, and he hasn't even touched me properly! Another wave of desire washes over me as I imagine his strong fingers touching me right where I need them to...

His groan snaps me out of my lustful thoughts, and I blush red as I remember we are still in the middle of a very public coffee house. The shop is bustling with people and a loud concoction of noise surrounds us as the coffee machines whirl, the baristas shout to each other and the customers natter on about whom Greg had an affair with and who is pregnant this week. Blah.

"Erm... Jessamine. My name is Jessamine." I announce breathlessly, sounding like a wanton woman.

"Jessamine." He tries out, my name rolling off his tongue, and I swear it has never sounded better coming from anyone else's mouth.

"Hey, can you move out the way please?" A cantankerous woman snaps, making me remember yet again that we are unfortunately not alone.

There is just something about Alaric's eyes that makes me forget everything else. His gaze snaps to the woman, and suddenly I feel as though I want to kneel before him because of the amount of power radiating from him. The woman must feel the same as she whimpers and takes a couple steps back from us, bumping into the elderly gentleman behind her. How did Alaric do that? What exactly did he do? Did I imagine it?

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